Five Little Peppers

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  • 2flowerboys

    Okay, so I looked up some old posts on the series. Some like it, some don’t. Can someone tell me what you don’t like about them? I was planning to read through them! Thanks!


    We just scored an original copy of the Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, circa 1948, for FREE!

    We’ve been reading through it steadily with my two dds – ages 4 and 7. They like the stories and can follow them okay, but the language is very advanced (by today’s pathetic standards). Fairly often, I do end up stopping to make sure they know what’s going on. But overall, we like the stories, the subject matter, the characters… it’s fun and sometimes funny. That said, when I am reading aloud, I lull myself to near-sleep very easily. Something about the cadence of the words and the alliteration makes for a very relaxing read. So, fair warning! Wink


    We accidentally got an abridged version of Five Little Peppers, and we loved it!  Then I ordered the second in the series, and my kids weren’t enjoying it at all, and I found there were parts I needed to skip over for subject matter for our family.  I don’t usually like abridged versions, but I think sometimes it’s better to read those than skip the books entirely. 

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