First grade schedule/pacing- how much do I cover for each topic/lesson each day?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules First grade schedule/pacing- how much do I cover for each topic/lesson each day?

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  • Charis

    I’m considering using the SCM modules for my first grader; I can’t tell how much needs to be covered in a week in order to get through the material. I know some of the boxed curriculae have specific pages to be read, or certain worksheets to complete- does SCM have something similar if you want to cover everything in the module?

    I’ve looked at the sample detailed daily schedules, but I’m wondering how much I shoudl be covering each day.  I’m not sure about pacing, I guess.  Do I just do whatever can be covered in 10 or 15 minutes, or do I try to complete a “lesson”?  I’m not even sure what constitutes a lesson, and whether lessons should be completed within one day, or across a week, etc.  Is the pacing just up to me?  And what do you do if you don’t finish a history module- do you keep going through the summer and not start the next one until you are done?

    Thank you so much!



    We did one lesson per day. Each lesson/day suggested what to read, page numbers or chapters, and it worked really well. When you look at the sample you can see a list of resources needed per term per grade, and each day tells wat resources you will need for that day. It would take us 15-20 min at the most to complete a lesson at the 1st grade level. I found it very open and go as a guide.


    Agreeing with Sarah. We did one lesson a day as well. Doing it as written covers Bible, geography, and history each week. Our lessons averaged between 15-25 minutes each.

    Advantages of using the SCM modules include: the planning is done, the pace is good, and it is very open and go. Love the ease of use! My girls have learned a lot using the modules.


    Charis, from your email it isn’t clear if you know about the lesson guides from SCM. For instance, Does this answer some of your questions?




    Thank you!  Yes, Shannon, I didn’t know where the lesson guides were.  That was very helpful- I had no idea what a “lesson” was. 

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