Filing Reports

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  • Jodie Apple

    I’m wondering what to do with the reports that are available through the planner. Our umbrella school only requires us to turn in # of days completed and grades for each subject. But I’m undecided on what reports to keep permanently for our home records and what form to keep them in (paper, hard disc, pdf on computer…); or is it even necessary to keep a separate copy from what’s available via SCM?

    Sonya Shafer

    I like to keep a .pdf file of our records at the end of every term. I just have a folder on my computer and I stick the .pdf files in that. Though the Organizer has redundant back up (similar copies on various servers, right Doug?), it never hurts to keep a back-up for yourself. 🙂

    Jodie Apple

    Thanks Sonya. Is there a fixed number of years of reports that the planner will keep ‘available’ for each user of the organizer? For example, at the end of the third year of using the planner, will only the most recent 2 years be available to view? Not that it matters so much, I’m just curious! 😀

    Sonya Shafer

    I don’t know of any limit. I’ve been using it since it started and can still access my original records.

    Jodie Apple

    Thanks for the info., Sonya.

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