Family Evenings

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  • Misty

    This is a quick one to post:  What do your families do in the evenings?  We are looking to change things up for lent and I wanted some fresh ideas.  Any thoughts would be great.


    PS I wanted to share something our local church paper is going to be sending out “a question of the day” for lent with things like, “When lately did my actions not follow my beliefs and values” or “what really makes me happy”.  If you are interested in seeing this it will be at , the questions wont all be necessarly anything to do with being catholic so I thought someone might be interested.  I am excited to do with with my older chidlren.


    Here is a list of ideas, some we do every night, others vary:

    • read scriptures and discuss
    • act out a favorite scripture story.  This is videotaped and we then watch it as a family movie.  This can also include reciting scripture, singing songs, doing “show and tell”.
    • play a board game or card game
    • coloring pages as a family
    • making cards or a story as a family
    • cooking/baking together
    • cleaning some specific area (laundry party, baseboard night, organizing the garage or basement)
    • go for a walk
    • play in the backyard together (active games, or just anything)
    • gardening together
    • talking about interests
    • singing together
    • memorization challenge – who can remember a poem, song, or scripture passage in the time limit (10-30 min)  We work together, but not everyone memorizes easily in the family.  Dad is usually mixed up more than the kids, which they find enjoyable.
    • Play What would you do?  Say a scenario, ask what would you do?  These can be silly, fun, or even related to things we’ve seen a child, friend, or family member struggle with.
    • Play playdough or moon sand together





    What great ideas Tristan!!!  Thanks.

    My house would definitely need the Baseboards Party Night.



    WOW!  I have always wondered how baseboards get clean.  Look out kids – the secret is out.  Wink


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