Faltering in my decisions


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  • momto3blessings

    I am very much faltering in my decision for which direction to go for school this year and I am running out of time. Each year it seems that we get a few weeks in and something isn’t right and we end up switching to something new. This never bodes well and sets a horrible tone for the rest of our year. I want to avoid that this year. We are most definitely a CM family, although the last couple years we have had a hard time implementing. We went rogue and kind of did our own thing, which was fine, but I felt kind of helter skelter without some sort of plan. The problem though is that when we do have a plan and try to follow a certain schedule we end up feeling stifled and limited to whatever books that schedule uses. I share this only to give a bit of background. My question is, how do we pull our own thing together yet still have some sort of plan in place to keep me more accountable?


    I hear ya! I’m using Train Up a Child’s unit study program, my way of course.

    It doesn’t prevent me from switching everything, but it helps.


    What I found works well for me is to have one thing “planned”- for us it is History so I don’t have to research my own booklist and it is chronological. Then I loosely plan everything else and we free-flow some of it (like composer and artist study). I tried doing the schedule (literally printed schedule cards) and it really killed my motivation, plus we did not like some of the curated books- so we went back to SCM because we have the flexibility to use schedules or just use booklists.

    I think it is natural to have things change as well and there are many factors that add to it. I had a whole year of brain fatigue and felt our schooling really went to the wayside, but I have to remember that 500 years ago, the most educated people did not have the access to resources that we do, and they still made discoveries and changed the world. 100 years ago, kids maybe had one book per year per subject and yet they were filled with wonder.

    One thing I realized is that I probably won’t get to all the books in a year and I am ok with that. They can sit on the shelf for one day/free reads/never. I get them from Abe Books, so I am not crying over a $3 book that we did not get to this year…*(like the last 4 books in our year because I just want to move on)

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