Facebook hacking be careful

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  • Cindie2dds

    My facebook settings are ultra private as they get; however, someone hacked into my account and advertised a free iPad link. Do not click on it. The hacker erased my comments that it was phishing. I know some of you might have gotten this.

    I’m so sorry!


    I was wondering about that..:) I almost clicked on it!!!Surprised Then I thought that it seemed odd for you to post something like that on my FB page, so I did not click it. Don’t you just hate it when stuff like that happens! LOL


    I had this happen to me … in my case, it was a person who asked my half-sister and an acquaintance to send money to “me” in London, as “I” had been mugged. Neither had any idea that I was in London but thought it was plausible, as my husband’s family is English. Luckily, the person had atrocious spelling and grammar, which gave it away!

    I’ve since changed my password to one containing letters, numbers and symbols and had no further trouble.


    Oh, Amanda! I’m so glad you didn’t click on it. Sorry!

    Sanveann, I thought my password was strong (numbers and letters) and my settings are friends only. Scary how that happens. I changed that password and my email password as well. Hope it doesn’t happen again. I added special characters as well, good idea!

    Again, I’m so sorry!

    Doug Smith

    I use very long (at least 16 characters), totally random passwords with letters, numbers, and symbols. I also use a different password for every site or service so if one has a problem it doesn’t grant access to others. Of course, that’s unmanageable by hand so I use 1Password to generate and store my passwords. It’s been a fantastic product and I recommend it highly.


    THANKS, DOUG, FOR THIS RECOMMENDATION, it will be helpful. I was wondering if you have used their “All Bookmarks” program & what your thoughts are, if so?




    Thank you, Doug! I should have had a better password. I just didn’t think about Facebook and what someone could do with it.

    Doug Smith

    I just contacted the folks who make 1Password to see if they could offer a discount coupon or something. They were nice enough to provide coupon codes for three free copies to give away. Please private message (PM) me if you’d like one and I’ll give them out first come first served. Please only request one if you actually think you’ll use it. Thanks.

    Doug Smith

    @Christie, I haven’t tried All Bookmarks but I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend any of their software based on my experience with 1Password. I’ve been using it for a long time on both my computer and iPhone and I couldn’t imagine not having it now.

    Doug Smith

    That’s it. The codes are all gone now.

    Doug are there any conflicts with Norton 360 – I have found a few things that are incompatible.  Thanks.  Linda

    Doug Smith

    @missingtheshire, No idea since I’m a Mac user. They do have a free 15-day demo so you can try it out.


    Thanks, Doug! Wow, I missed the freebies – that was quick! I’ll have to see about ordering on my own. Smile

    Thanks Doug….I will do that.  Linda

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