editing resources

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  • sheilclan


    I added some new resources without fully entering chapter titles. I then scheduled them. Later I edited the resources to add more information, but the changes are not shown when I go into the Daily Plan section and look at what is assigned for the day. I am guessing that when you schedule a resources it downloads the information and when you edit a resource, it does not edit what was downloaded into the schedule originally. Do I have to add it again with the new information and delete the old one? That will be dissappointing since I would have to reenter all the assignments that have been completed and when they were completed. Thanks for your help! I am still in awe as to what this program does. It is great! Thank you so much!


    Sonya Shafer

    Liz, you should be able to tell the Organizer that you want to use the edited version. Go to your Daily Plan and click the little “Edit Schedule” to the right of the title you want to switch. That should pop it back into the Scheduler, and you should see all the new divisions you entered show up there. Adjust the “Use chapters/lessons/whatever” if needed and click Save. That should apply the new divisions to the already scheduled resource. 


    Oh, thank you. I was fretting that I would have a lot of re-entering of data to do. Thank you Lord!

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