Economics – Bookworm, Suggestions for a Plan

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  • missceegee

    I am trying begin to put together a plan for 7th-12th (and perhaps some younger) Economics. I have some resources in mind, but could really use some help in putting together a plan.

    Here is a previous thread with some great ideas, but I am not sure how to put it all together.

    Resource Ideas:

    • Maybury books (Planning on Penny Candy for next term)
    • Economics for Everybody
    • Godnomics

    Bookworm, in the previous thread you listed out many resources. Could you give some guidance on piecing it together for the coming years? I would like more than what I had in my 1/2 credit class in high school. 🙂 My hubby has a degree in Economics and can contribute to discussions, but I need to plan out the program.




    Saw this, and a post from Mrs. K that was right below—have seen, am thinking, but did not get time to answer before needing to head to work–will try later! Sorry!


    Hey, sorry this has taken me so long.  Kind of a nutty week.  

    Anyway, this area continues to grow and change and so do my plans.  LOL  This is a main topic of conversation at my house so we do a lot of extras, a lot of family discussion, etc.  

    I am considering personal finance separately from economics.  Another caveat:  I have never seen Godonomics.  So I’m not sure where I’d put or recommend it.

    Here is what my current 8th grader will be doing:

    Uncle Eric series, starting in 7th grade and continuing until done, with the history books pulled out of order and read during history schedule

    Ninth grade:  Khan Academy modules, plus Stossel DVD’s

    10th grade—big year.  We will do the very excellent Lessons for Young Economists, and associating readings and videos from the new FEE education modules (beginner series of lessons here:

    We will also add in readings from the Free Market Reader since they are just too good to miss.

    We will focus on the rest of our personal finance credit in 11th grade, adding in MUS stewardship and possibly some other materials I have; haven’t got it all planned out yet.  

    In 12th grade for anyone interested, we will complete the Austrian economics modules at FEE:

    We will continue to add in topics as they come up, I assign lots of op-eds and articles and segments from Stossel, The Independents, and Youtube videos from channels I like.  

    I will assign for all of this one full credit economics, one full credit personal finance, and if the Austrian modules are completed, a half credit in advanced economic theory.




    Michelle, this is most helpful. Thank you!


    Bookworm which books did you use from Uncle Eric series? Are they books for kids to read on their own or is it something you need to do w/them? I am guessing that would be something more for me to read to be able to have a discussion on this.

    And what is the benefit to teach the Austrian Economy? Excuse my ignorance, economics is not a strong point for me!




    Michelle, may I ask a couple of additional questions, please?

    Here is the list of UE books in their recommended order. 


    1. Uncle Eric Talks About Personal Career and Financial Security
    2. Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?
    3. Whatever Happened to Justice?
    4. Are You Liberal? Conservative or Confused?
    5. Ancient Rome: How It Affects You Today?
    6. Evaluating Books: What Would Thomas Jefferson Think About This?
    7. The Money Mystery
    8. The Clipper Ship Strategy
    9. The Thousand Year War in the Mideast: How It Affects You Today
    10. World War I: The Rest of the Story Story and How It Affects You Today
    11. World War II: The Rest of the Story and How It Affects You Today



    We skipped #1 and are dd12 is about to begin #2 in a couple of weeks. These are new to me, so I want to make sure I have it right.

    • Pull out # 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 and put them in their proper place in history. The rest you recommend we read through until finished over the next few years. Correct?
    • Should I add back in #1?
    • When do you recommend the Free Market Reader and do you have the author?
    • Have you ever used the Parent guides with the Uncle Eric books?
    • There was a prose series of Economics books I remember reading about from you, I think. I think I even bought one of the books, but I cannot remember the title. Can you jog my memory?

    @Stephanie – the Austrian modules refer to a theory of Economics from my very brief perusal of the web page. 

    Many, many thanks!!!




    Thanks for the list, Michelle.  It’s very similar to how we are planning to use the UE series.  Since we juggle history out of order a bit, the titles tied to history are pulled out and reordered as well.

    @Christie, we have used Godonomics and liked it very well.  I’d say we used it weekly/biweekly until we finished it, but I do know that the kids ended up watching a few of them right in a row during a time when I had them take a week, or so off.  They really enjoyed the lessons.  I’ve already put it out in the library, so I’ll try to remember to bring it back into the house to send you some notes on lesson length.  It certainly favored Austrian economics, which was a good fit for our family.



    Stephanie, we read every last Uncle Eric book.  We do pull out Rome, WWI, WWII and the more modern one to do with history studies.  Christie, we really think Evaluating Books is less of a history and more of a political philosophy and read it along with the other Uncle Erics.  I DO think the first book has value.  The tendency with these is to start with Penny Candy.  Many people ONLY read Penny Candy.  I think this is a mistake.  The first book sets the tone, sets the stage for the worldview, and explains why it matters what we think.  It is an easy read, and I think it’s worth slipping in somewhere.  I DO believe these books need discussion.  I think TEENS need discussion.  If you are unfamiliar with these things, I encourage you to read them along with your teens (very short chapters, easy reading!) so that discussions will be more fruitful.

    Austrian economics is a particular perspective on economics which was first developed by a number of writers who happened to be Austrian.  The “standard” schools of economic thought are Neoclassical and Keynesian (OK, there’s socialism, too, but I don’t see how they can still take themselves seriously intellectually.)  The Austrian critique is a unique viewpoint that explains why government spending trillions of dollars didn’t make our economy any better; why free trade and free markets are the way to better human experience.   It is CRITICALLY important today.  There are a lot of Austrians around now, but relatively few in government, and this needs to change.  It is IMO impossible to understand what is going on in the world around us without the contributions of the Austrian school.

    Christie, I’m not sure it really matters when you do the Free Market Reader, but if you want I can associate the readings to something like Lessons for Young Economists.  The book is by Jane Williams and Kathryn Daniels and is primarily essays, like I Pencil.  We will read it at the same time we do LfYE.

    The prose books were by the wonderful Russell Roberts.  The titles are The Choice:  A Fable of Free Trade and Protection; The Price of Everything:  A Parable of Possibility and Prosperity; and The Invisible Heart:  An Economic Romance.  I’d save these for the 16 and up ages.  I don’t “schedule” them because they are such fun reading and universally popular here that the boys read them for fun.  All I had to do was to put them out in the book basket.  🙂  


    thank you, am saving this tread and will start w/one book to see how it goes…




    Thanks, everyone for adding to this discussion.

    Michele, I do intend to read and discuss with dd, but since I’m just starting with these resources, I wanted to have a goal and a plan. Thanks for the suggestions on sequencing and pacing. That will help us a lot. I am also considering planning something for my co-op, if there is interest, so a long range plan helps. I will get the first UE book and we will start there instead of Penny Candy.

    Tailormade- thanks for the info on Godnomics. I appreciate it.


    I just love it when these threads get fleshed out.  We did some of these things with our older children, but our younger two will certainly benefit from all the plans shared on this forum.  Thanks!  I’m bookmarking this thread, too!



    Thought I’d “bump” this to the top since the other UE thread came up.


    Bookworm- Is The Road to Serfdom, by F.A. Hayek one of the books you’ve used?  I ran across it and thought it looked like one we should add to the list.  Thoughts?


    It’s an excellent book, and Hayek is an easier read than Mises—but IMO very, very few high schoolers could get much out of this book.  It is very deep water indeed.  I read it some years ago–and it took me six years.  🙂  I kept putting it aside, to rest my poor head, and had to keep going over and over.  Hayek and Mises and Schumpeter are very difficult going.  They are foundational, but most of us “real folks” are going to get more out of some of the more modern writers, who take the principles from Hayek and Mises and make them understandable to the average American.  Rothbard is an easier read.  Read is an easier read.  Heck, Adam Smith is an easier read, and I don’t even make my own kids read Wealth of Nations (there is too much extraneous matter in it, I excerpt parts for them.)  I think anyone wanting to BE an Austrian economist should absolutely read Road to Serfdom.  I don’t know if it’ll ever be popular reading for average folk.  🙂


    Just wanted to say that I am following this thread… and learning much from it! Thank you Missceegee for asking and thank you, Bookworm, for laying it out so clearly!

    I have a quick question regarding a book I was given. I have kept it for a couple years without knowing if it was any good or not, if not, then I won’t bother scheduling it for next year (dd’s 7th yr). I had thought to possibly use it for part of our economics studies.

    Capitalism For Kids: Growing up to be your own boss . By Karl Hess. Is this any good? Has anyone even tried it or heard of it at all?

    Thanks again for this thread. I learn so much from you ladies!



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