early years/ laying down the rails


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  • sexton_dana318

    I’m a newbie to SCM been homeschooling for 3 years. I have a 9, 2.5 and 1 year old. which book would be more informative for me to read first, Early years, or Laying down the rail. TIA


    I’ll vote For Laying Down the Rails. It is great for all ages, and habits are so crucial. They will be a foundation for everything else.


    I have both, and like both.

    I really like the Early Years because it was not as overwhelming to me to start with.

    LDTR is fantastic but has all the habits, Early Years focuses on just a few, with other helpful information. It was easier for me to start with Early Years. Even with my oldest 9, it is valuable info. Also great to read again as my youngest is 4. Reminders to focus on habits and not stress “school” (as most of my friends are doing, stressing preschool)

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