Dyslexia and CM


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  • Grace

    I am wondering for those moms who have children with dyslexia, if you find CM to be a good fit for math and language arts?

    We do copywork, but I am using a writing program that teaches concepts step by step and explicitly. I am doing the same for reading and spelling. I use Simply Grammar, but in a mastery based way with much review. I was doing written narrations last year, but they were not grasping the learning concepts.  What has been your experience with writing instruction in particular? How about Spelling? I am also looking towards Junior high and high school and wondering which route to take as far as curriculum.

    Also, I love CM short lessons, but I struggle to be at peace with the amount of work that  my kids (who are slow processors) complete in a short time.


    Tamara Bell

    Hi Grace,

    We got your email.  🙂 We do not have a team member that has hands on experience with dyslexia.

    There are many families who have children with dyslexia who have utilized dictation and our math resources but take each resource at the child’s pace. Individual, personal growth is the ultimate goal.

    You mentioned doing written narrations last year.  How old are the children?  At the earliest, we recommend 1 written narration a week in 4th grade.  That is only if a child is ready.  Oral narrations are a form of composition.  Can you expand on what is meant when you stated, ” I was doing written narrations last year, but they were not grasping the learning concepts.”
    When we first introduce written narration we don’t try to teach anything.  All we are focused on is the student getting thought to paper.  It is incredibly different than oral narrations and often will look poor when compared to their oral narrations.  That is ok!  One of my students required me writing his narration as he spoke it.  Once I knew he was winding down, I would stop typing and have him finish up his narration.  This is a child that also did and still does (as a 10th grade student) better when typing his narration instead of writing it.


    I have used CM with children with dyslexia. I think it’s a great fit. With my child that was the slowest at becoming a proficient reader, he never got behind because we did so much orally.

    That said, dictation was a problem for him and I gave up on that pretty quickly.  We did a lot of language arts orally until middle school.  Starting at about 6th grade, I started him on Sequential Spelling and that has worked really well for spelling.

    This year (8th grade) he’s doing Our Mother Tongue, IEW, and Sequential Spelling for Language and doing great!

    I think CM is great for dyslexia because so much can be done orally while they are working on reading and their own pace. If dictation is too overwhelming, you can keep doing copywork and find a spelling program that is designed more for children with dyslexia. Hope that helps!


    I personally use Dyslexia Games for my dyslexic children, and have had huge success! CM is so gentle for kids with Dyslexia. My children are doing wonderfully with it. (Also, there are books written in Dyslexic font in the Bookfinder resource, if you are interested in that.)


    Thank you for your replies. Tamara,

    I have learned that my kids do better if writing is explicitly taught ( the mechanics such as a complete sentence, punctuation, grammar usage in writing, tips to make their writing interesting, having paragraphs and transitions etc.)

    My oldest is 12 and you are right, his written narrations were very simple and not as good as oral narrations. Maybe my expectations are too high. It sounds like it might take a long time for that to improve.

    Thank you ladies for your responses. What have you done for composition with your kids?

    Do the dyslexia games help?


    For composition, I’ve done Story Starters and let them do drawing a long with their writing. But I honestly think what helped the most was a Grammar program called “Grammar with a Giggle.” It’s not very CM in that it has mistakes that they are supposed to fix, but it got my dyslexic son writing. This year, he’s doing IEW and doing really well.

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