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  • rhondajennings68

    I am wondering if my son has dyscalculia. I haven’t had him tested and can’t find a place that tests only for that.  He is struggling so with Algebra and has always struggled with math but not other subjects.  It’s as if math makes no sense to him. I am trying to help him and really can’t find a good option. We started Life of Fred about a month ago and he is still struggling.  Thoughts or suggestions?


    You could try something online like: https://www.cognifit.com/cognitive-assessment/dyscalculia-test

    I had looked into this for my DD  a few years back. Never ended up taking these tests, but perhaps you could find a reference from a math tutor locally through a home school co-op?


    Thank you so much!


    Ronit Bird has several books and resources to use for students who have dyscalculia http://www.ronitbird.com/

    Also, does your child have a rock solid understanding of placevalue? Does he thourally understand how to +,-,×, and ÷ fractions, decimals percents and whole numbers? Algebra can be the place that any prior holes really shows up. If you think there are holes, a solid, straightforward math series like Rod and Staff could help you fill it in. I know Kate Snow (from https://kateshomeschoolmath.com/ a math teacher and curriculum writer) recommended that series for students who struggled with math. It only goes through 8th grade as Mennonite schools often stop there, but it is slow, methodical and complete.

    I would worry less about how high you get in math and make sure a solid foundation is there to build on or just use in life. It would be better to have a solid base and only get through Algebra 1 in highschool than shakely get through Algebra 2 and Geometry before graduation.


    Framework Math is a new option.

    We used Hands on Fractions and Hands on Algebra from Borenson.  Also, purplemath.    com. is helpful for algebra.


    To bounce off retrofam I have Hands on Equations that I bought used “in case I needed it” I can sell it to you for cheap if you think it would be helpful.


    Thanks for the responses. I am having his evaluated to see why he is struggling. He has always struggled in math but not other subjects.  Once I get him evaluated, I will see which of these resources may help him.  My main concern is getting him through his math classes for high school.  Of course, he will still have math in college but right now, I think we need to step back and help him with his weak areas.


    My daughter is in a similar situation and we are using a combination of RightStart Math and Teaching Textbooks.  We are using Teaching Textbooks at grade level and RightStart Math a few grades behind.  I also supplement with Math Essentials.  Sometimes a child’s learning style will cause him or her to struggle with the teaching approach a certain curriculum has and it looks like that child cannot do math.  And sometimes it is just a matter of development.


    So glad we could all help. I forgot to mention that my child tried https://schoolyourself.org/ &  edx.org for optional math help and they seemed to help. She successfuly completed edx.org Geometry course with a passing grade. She also prefers schoolyourself and will be using that for her Algebra 1 next school year.

    Another resource I’ve heard that helps is https://www.explodingdots.org/


    Hi Rhonda,

    I have a perfect recommendation for you! The amazing tutor that we have used (Tim from Touchdown Tutors) works with students with dyscalculia. Tim is phenomenal. He is extremely patient, effective, and was so good with our sons. Highly highly recommend! Tim’s email is:


    I hope that can help you!



    Thank you so much, Kitty!  This is wonderful!

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