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    Okay, ladies.  I am putting out a (shameless) request for reassurance.  This is our first year homeschooling, and we put together a curriculum that my husband and I were pretty happy with.  Now, as school time is fast approaching for us I’m starting to doubt everything I’ve put together!!  I keep trying to tell myself that 1)it will be better from the public school, regardless and 2)it’s not going to be perfect, no matter what I do.  I still find myself stressing!  I am second guessing some of our choices.  I would love to have your prayers.





    My prayer for you is that in the future when a new homeschooling mom expresses the same concerns, you’ll reassure her that she’s making the right decisions and everything will be okay.

    Until then, let me tell you that you are making the right decisions and everything will be okay.

    Well, my husband just said, ” My wife just buys new books and starts over.”  Then he added, “Don’t scare the poor lady.” Laughing

    No, seriously. In spite of my often “doing the wrong thing” my kids have learned what they needed to in spite of my waffling.  When it all boils down it is our precious one-on-one time, filled with love for the people God gave us, that matters.

    A CM education is buffet and every child will take away what they need when they need it. Just keep praying and your decisions will be the right ones—even if they don’t seem to be at the moment.




    I agree with Caroline, it’s the on–on–one time with people who love and cherish them that matters.  I’ve been homeschooling awhile and i still worry about doing it right and yes, no matter what you do it’s not going to be perfect.



     Be assured that you are not alone and that it is normal to doubt since we are doing something that is so different then the norm. And as scripture says that Satan will try to decieve us and he is the father of lies..don’t listen to the lies and doubts that Satan puts in your mind.

    Be strong and courages, Be strong in the Lord.

    I am always reassured when I look back on decisions I have made about curriculum realizing that I made the best decision I could have made with the knowledge and our present circumstances in mind. meaning that yes, things change and nothing ever goes perfectly the way we planned it but that is not a reason to doubt or become frustrated with a decision you made previously..since most of the time you couldn’t forsee the need for the change in the first place. YOU did the choosing after some prayer, thoughtfulness, and just rest in that and move ahead. If something doesn’t work quite the way you thought..tweak it to the best of your ability and roll with it. Smile

    Have a great year and more then anything …just love on your kids and disciple them in the ways of the LORD..academics will be learned regardless of what curriculum you use.





    Just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone:)

    I have been homeschooling going on 7 yrs, and I still do this to myself.  I laid out my plan back in June and have it all prepared, but for the last few weeks I am rethinking things.  It is silly, but I think I just have too much free time on my hands in my head.  I know that once we get back into the swing of things, I will be so busy that I will have less time to doubt myself and our progress.


    There is much wisdom in what Shelly and the others have posted.  Satan does have a way of lying to us to get us into a state of doubtfullness.  I will pray for you that God will give you peace that passes understanding:)  A friend recently took time to do that for me, and I have felt better ever since. 



    We are going to try something different this next year and see if it helps.  We’re going to do three months on and one off for our school year.  That way, we won’t be on too long of a break.  It seems like that isn’t much help for our family.  I’m thinking more structure will help this mom have more faith.

    Be praying for you Meg! 


    In Christ, Bridget


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