Does Mavis Beacon work with Windows 7?


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  • I posted this question on an older thread, but I think that may have been overlooked. So I am asking again. 🙂

    Does someone have this typing program with Windows 7? It says it works with Windows XP, but I don’t know if that would be the same or not. Like I said before, I am computer challenged and need remedial help. 🙂

    Sorry to keep asking…


    I don’t have Mavis Beacon, so I can’t directly answer your question.

    However, just a bit of information that may or may not be helpful.

    A lot of programs that work on Win XP do not work on Win 7… but a lot do.  Also, there are different versions of Win 7.  There is a 32 bit version of Win 7, and a 64 bit version. (well, there are more versions, but they are all either 32 or 64 bit.)  The 64 bit version is basically more advance, but is less  likely to have older programs work on it.  So something that works on Windows 7 32 bit might not work on Windows 7 64 bit.

    I wish I could tell you if the program works or not… just wanted to let you know that just because it works on XP doesn’t guarantee that it will work on Windows 7.

    That said, I run Windows 7, 64 bit, and so far have only had one thing I own not work on it.  

    What I would do is do a Google search with a phrase something like 

    Mavis Beacon Windows 7

    and see what information comes up.



    Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Deluxe 25th Anniversary Edition works with Windows 7, according to Broderbund’s website, but supposedly the earlier versions don’t.  We have used Version 17 with Windows XP and it’s been fine, even though I read comments from users who said it didn’t work well or didn’t work at all with XP.  We borrowed ours from our local library, so perhaps you could do the same and try it out with the highest version they have available.

    Looks like the older version is not compatible. So glad I asked! I am hoping the Deluxe 25th Anniverary will work.

    Thank you suzukimom and Suemom23!

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