Do I need to add a literature component to our English 9 course?

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  • tfigueroa

    English 9 for my 14 1/2 year old dd is comprised of:

    One Year Adventure Novel

    Analytical Grammar

    Analogies 1

    Vocabulary for the College Bound Student

    Phonetic Zoo Level B

    I have never used OYAN before and don’t know how much work and time that it entails. Should I have her reading literature along side maybe a chap per day. This would be just to enjoy reading good books and not require analysis or reports? I don’t want to over burden her. Below is a list of her other subjects.

    Ancient History- using Truthquest and Simply Charlotte Mason

    CSI Science- Through Landry Academy

    Russian 1- Through Currclick

    Algebra 1- Teaching Textbooks

    Logic- Fallacy Detective

    Bible- using Truthquest and Simply Charlotte Mason

    I am also considering adding Art and Music appreciation with Harmony Art Mom’s lesson plans, but just trying not to over do it.


    I would think so, but my complete lack of experience has me hesitant to recommend anything specific.


    Personally I think if you are planning to have your daughter try to write a novel, she needs to be reading them.  I would say yes to the lit question.  Now, if she is an avid reader anyway, you might be able to leave this to a real minimum.  I do not know if the OYAN is structured to included literary study or analysis of classical literature as the basis for the lessons or if it’s basically a straight forward do-it-yourself how-to type course.  If it’s the latter, I would stress lit all the more.  You can’t write good literature if you aren’t exposed to good literature.  Has she done any novel studies in earlier grades?  If not, I would consider doing a couple this year and holding off on the OYAN for another year.  Remember, that’s just my opinion, though, so take it for what it’s worth…


    Please keep us posted on how she’s doing and especially how she likes OYAN. I’m curious, since my dd is the same age/grade, and she likes writing short stories. IMO, my dd needs to spend a bit longer reading good literature before she takes on a writing project like OYAN, but it might be a good option for next year.

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