Diploma accredited or no?


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  • pangit

    Is there an advantage to an accredited diploma?  Is it easier to get into college with an accredited diploma?  What about getting college scholarships?

    It seems like just yesterday I found this site when my oldest was finishing K.  And now we are on the brink of high school and having to think through some things a little more.  Where did the time go?  I think I’d like to start over with my kids now that I know more! =)


    From what I’ve found, colleges are really getting used to homeschoolers and not expecting accredited diplomas. AND many high schools are not actually accredited. They don’t have to be. A transcript and test scores on the ACT or SAT are probably all they will want. Check out colleges your child might consider. For example, we checked requirements for our local state university (Ohio State University), as well as a couple others (BYU, BYU-I).

    Lots of places to get info, HSLDA has a lot, The Home Scholar (Lee Binz) does, Let’s Homeschool High School does. A quick search on Pinterest will yield tons of results to get you going in the right direction.


    In my understanding many who want an accredited diploma are doing so because if they decide to go back to public high school,  they want their home school credits earned to count.  In our state high schools don’t have to count unaccredited school work.  A junior could be told that they are now a freshman due to their unaccredited work.


    Many public high schools are accredited by a non-governmental, private agency that reviews the school to show that it is meeting a certain set of standards.  Some private schools also seek accreditation.

    Here is a webpage of FAQ’s about accreditation that addresses this issue:  http://letshomeschoolhighschool.com/blog/2013/08/21/frequently-asked-questions-accredited-diplomas-homeschooling/  It is part of a homeschool website.

    I personally feel that accrediting homeschool diplomas could become a slippery slope.  After all, the right to homeschool grants parents the right and responsibility to direct their children’s education according to personally-set standards.  While we do have to meet the requirements of our individual state of residence, homeschoolers have largely opposed standards (such as Common Core) which are imposed by outside agencies.  To seek accreditation by an agency that does not understand or support homeschooling would be, in my opinion, giving away some of our rights.

    Having said that, the goal of the original poster (as I see it) is to assure that her child will be accepted into the college of his/her choice, and if that particular school requires that a transcript be accredited, it might be necessary to look into it further.  Even graduates of a public or private school that is not accredited might have trouble getting accepted into a college that requires accredited transcripts.  I have read in a few places that most colleges do not require accredited diplomas/transcripts.


    The homeschoolers that I know that use accredited programs use CLE or BJU or Abeka’s umbrella type programs.


    Thank you

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