Digital Products Question for SCM

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  • CrystalN

    This is probably a silly question and probably has been answered 100 times but here goes 101. When I purchase the digital version of a product am I allowed to use it multiple times with multiple students? Specifically the ULW student book amd the Journalling a year in Nature. The Nature journal looks lovely and I was thinking I could use it again and again with all three kids. But that almost seems wrong. I would be using it up to 36 times over our school career! And only paying once??? You guys are so wonderful I certainly dont want to hold back on any income due you, you certainly earn it!

    Jordan Smith

    Thanks for asking! We relax the normal copyright law for our e-books and give permission for you to make copies from the books we publish for anyone in your immediate household. That applies to both the physical printed copies and the e-book versions. (Though we certainly don’t mind if you want to purchase additional copies. 😉 )

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