Dictation Question – Sonya???


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  • Scherger5

    My 12 year old daughter is doing Spelling Wisdom book 3 for dictation.  In recent weeks she has asked me if she can write her dictation from memory instead of me dictating it to her.  She does very well on them, rarely missing anything, but is this defeating the purpose of dictation?

    Thanks in advance Laughing


    Sonya Shafer

    Wow! She either has a great memory or lots of time to study the passage. Smile

    Since the purpose of dictation is correct spelling (with the added benefits of reinforcing good grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc.), I don’t see any harm in her memorizing the passages if she wants to. As long as she is careful to study the passage and reproduce it accurately, I wouldn’t think it would matter whether she is writing from memory or you are feeding her the phrases.

    If, however, she begins to spend most of her attention and concentration on memorizing rather than spelling correctly, you may need to direct her efforts back to the main purpose of the exercise.

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