Diaper Rash/Blister

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  • Misty

    Ok moms I have my 1st girl and she has a diaper rash that has turned into some terrible blisters (never had this with my boys).  I have tried OC onitments and I even went to see a dr because they were so bad, but the stuff they gave me made it worse (I should have known we never see a dr).  So what can I do??  I use clothe diapers, she pee’s on the potty on command, and she’s only almost a year.

    Thanks for any advice you can give.  Mom


    Calendula ointment is usually very effective.

    Good luck!


    I she having any other skin reactions, even somewhat minor ones?  My daughter would get blisters like you described, along with these tiny spots of what looked like dry skin on her belly and back.  I didn’t put two and two together.  As she got older, and I started introducing food around a year, the spots got worse and actually turned into open sores on her skin, the diaper rash got worse, and once she stopped nursing at 2 1/2, she started with random diareah and vomiting.  We finally figured out that she had a food allergy -dairy products!  So something she is eating (or you if you are breastfeeding) could be triggering such a bad reaction. 

    Balmex worked well as a barrier cream for us.  I got the big tub of it and put A LOT on – so there was no chance of anything touching her bottom but that cream.

    Have you stipped all your diapers lately?  Maybe since she potties on demand you could go without diapers during the day?  Also, I might put disposables on her for a few nights as it will keep the moisture away, thats if she wets during the night.  We always used Flander’s Buttox ointment, its behind the counter at the pharmacy.


    Ummm. this is the 1st time I’ve done clothe diapers so I have to ask what is stip?  And yes, when she’s awake I have kept her diaper off which helps.  thanks for all the idea’s


    Lesley Letson

    my good ol’ standby for diaper rash has always been a good layer of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste and powder on top of that. I usually powder my babies when I diaper them, and even after they are trained but in pull-ups at night – that has proven to be a good preventative, especially when I was using cloth diapers. One other thing I have done when they have a really bad one (recommended by my midwife) was to use a diluted solution of regular listerine (not the minty kind, the old yellow kind) with water to clean in before I diapered them. I have used that or witch hazel for an antiseptic wash – I just pour it on their bottom, pat dry, and then use cream and/or powder. That seems to help clear it up quicker than the cream alone. They did cry when I did this and I know it stung some, but I saw how much it helped I convinced them it was for their own good. I hope her bottom clears up soon – poor little thing!!


    I would often have my daughters have a little bath with either epsom salts or baking powder.  I would let them just soak in it.  It doesn’t hurt them at all and it also helps with soothing and cleaning the area.  I would also do this for my daughter who used to get yeast infections when she was still a very young toddler.  The epsom salts clean and the baking soda cleans as well as helps with the soreness. 

      Hope she gets better soon, I always hated it when my babies had to suffer through a bad rash!Cry


    I was going to say Boudreaux’s Butt Paste too.  Works great on all cheeks!  LOL)


    Does the skin slough off, especially in skin folds? If so, it could be yeast. If it is yeast, make sure she’s totally dry after cleansing. Then put either Lotrimin AF (jock itch/athlete’s foot cream) or Monistat (women’s yeast infection cream) on it 2-3 times a day. It will clear up within 5-7 days. Afterwards, always make sure she’s totally dry, esp. in skin folds. 

    All 4 of mine have had this at some point & it’s when I’ve forgotten to dry them well. 

    For regular rash & as a preventative, I prefer Triple Paste to all others.




    My last 2 boys got super bad rashes once in a while and Butt Paste was the only thing that worked.  It seems to work for lots of kids!


    If it’s yeast, some powdered L.acidophilis in her food or in her mouth until it disolves works great too if you don’t want to use creams for some reason.

    Stripping the diapers gets off amonia from the pee.  You take 1 tbsp. of dawn and add it to your washer with the dipes.  You will have to run the rinse cycle about 4 times or until there are no more soap suds and then dry as  normal.  I did this about once a month when we were in diapers.


    Laura.. thanks for reminding me I have adiophilis in the fridge and will do that today!!  MRS.  why dawn?  I don’t use that one.. but I might have to buy a little bit.  Does it do the same as baking soda?  Or is the soda just for the smell?  Thanks

    Baking soda is just for the smell.  I don’t know exactly why Dawn, but only the original Dawn liquid blue soap is supposed to work. I think its because it does not contain bleach or lotions(softener).   I bought bottle just while I was using diapers.  The diapers build up detergent when washed and need to be stripped every so often to rid the detergent and amonia.  It may be the detergent build up that is bothering her?


    I will get some ASAP  Thanks

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