Delightful Reading Level 2

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  • Kariann

    I have been using the Delightful Reading Level 2 program with my 7-year-old dyslexic son and we have just finished activity 21. He did fairly well with the blending but he was unable to create the words himself I had to show him which letter went with which ending. I just wonder if I’m moving too fast with him. Many times he still requires my help with blending. How “mastered” should he be with each lesson before moving on, should he be able to just look at the word and know it? Is it acceptable that I’m still having to help him blend the words? I also have been wondering this also with the Elementary Arithmetic Book 1. How quickly he should be able to solve the equations before moving on.

    Sonya Shafer

    Ending sounds are usually more difficult to hear than beginning sounds, so you may need to help him with the ending sounds for a bit. But I would also encourage you to do a lot of review to make sure each step is taken on firm ground. You can use the list of activities and games in the back of the book to get more ideas for reviewing the words you have already covered.

    Richele might chime in here, but as far as “how quickly” he should solve the equations, Book 1 is all about discovery and exploration and comprehending how math works. It is not about speed. Watch for understanding instead. If he seems to have a good grasp on the math concepts you are working on, go ahead and move on. If he’s confused or waits for your helpful prompts and reminders, you may want to slow down and do some review. In math, as well as reading, you want to secure the ground under each step.


    So if he is able to sound out the set of words himself without my help we can move on to the next set of words even if he can’t yet just look at the word and know it without sounding it out?

    Sonya Shafer

    Yes, if he can sound it out — for example, “c – a – t, cat” — I would move on to the next set, while continuing to review previous words. Recognizing a word quickly at a glance is reading fluency, which usually comes with time and reading practice. If he can blend the sounds together, he is building the word mentally. Be sure to give him practice both sounding out words that you build and building words that you say. But don’t feel rushed; speed is not the goal right now.

    Richele Baburina

    Yes, Kariann, I concur with Sonya. The same principles apply to both Numbers and Reading here, and it is such a beautiful time of wondrous realms being opened to your child.  As Sonya said, the term “mastery” applied to a Charlotte Mason education means that the ground is firm beneath one’s feet. Speed will come with review and mental math while a child may very well be ready to take further steps up the path with your guidance. One of the best things is that if you ever find you have gone too fast or gotten off the path, you may simply back up.  Watch for signs of boredom (too slow) or frustration (too quick).

    Enjoy this journey with your son.  I have one boy with the gift of dyslexia and used the original Delightful Reading kit with him as well as CM math.  Though each child is different, I found he was able to move on conceptually while it took a while for facts and speed to catch up. Progress is always measured according to each child’s own work and not by other’s progress or outside standards.


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