Dance mat Typing – A FREE Resource

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  • missceegee

    I just thought I would mention this resource. My daughter (8yo) has been wanting to learn to type to use email with relatives and missionary friends. I found it mentioned on another CM blog. It is free and may be a bit on the silly side for some older kids, but she likes it. I like it better than the software programs I’ve bought and tried.


    Well, I was playing around with this site and my 9yo came up behind me and, after watching for a couple of minutes, listed all the reasons why his current typing program is not working. “Can this be my typing?” “I’ll think about it.” “No, really, can this be my typing?” “I guess, if you want it to give it a go for awhile.” “Okay, so this is my typing now, right?” Must be the goat.


    Cindy, That’s too funny! I guess it is the goat.


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