Creepy Crawlies

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  • LindseyD

    We moved into a new home about three weeks ago and have had problems with creepy crawlies since Day 1. Our home was not vacant before we moved in. It’s in a new housing development on the outskirts of town. There are 5-6 empty lots across the street and one right next door. So far, we’ve had 3 centipedes, 2 scorpions, 1 wolf spider, and 2 tarantulas…and we’ve only been here three weeks! Everything but the tarantulas have been discovered alive inside the house.

    DD is extremely sensitive to chemicals, so spraying conventional bug sprays is pretty much out of the question. She’ll be bouncing off the walls for 3-4 days if we do spray chemicals. (I make all our cleaning products, and we use all organic shampoo, conditioner, dish soap, etc.) Not to mention I just know those chemicals aren’t good for any of us. 

    I know the empty lots close by aren’t helping at all, but I still can’t figure out how these bugs/arachnids are getting in the house. We’re very meticulous about keeping doors closed, garage closed up, and leave all our shoes in baskets by the doors. Still, we just trapped a large scorpion in a glass jar about 15 minutes ago. 

    Do any of you know how I can naturally keep these critters out of the house?




    i have heard really good things about using natural pepperment essential oil, mixed into rubbing alcohol, put in a spray bottle and spray around windows, drains, doorways, cracks, the foundation, etc.  I don’t know how great it is for the arachnids, but it will help with other things.


    Yikes, Lindsey! My dd4 would FREAK OUT as would my dd10 if they found ANY of those in our house. Here in FL, we have many of the same creepy crawlies, though thankfully all we’ve ever had in the house are cockroaches and spiders on occasion. We aren’t sensitive to chemicals, but don’t like the spray in the house. We do have a twice a year pest control service that sprays outside and in the garage and they put bait (I don’t know what this is exactly.) in the back of certain cabinets and behind bookshelves. It seems to work most of the time, but like I said, I don’t know about centipedes and scorpions. 

    Sorry you’re having this in your wonderful new home.


    Yikes Lindsey!  I would freak out.  yuck.  Here is a link to some household remedies for scorpions.  I have no idea if any of them actually work, as I live in Maine and praise God I do not deal with any of those pests!  I’m not sure about the other creepies….



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