Credit for Fallacy Detective

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  • tfigueroa

    I plan on having dd do the Fallacy Detective for 9th grade next year. We are going to have a pretty full year so I don’t want to have her do more logic books for 9th grade. Is this book worth .5 credit? How do you give credit for Logic?

    Rachel White



    My son is in 8th grade and using this book, and used it some last year. He is having a VERY HARD time with it. I am thinking of putting on the shelf until at least next year, and yes, I would give him a .5 credit for it if I use it in high school. I guess it depends on the child, but for my literal thinker, it requires a lot.


    Thanks LDIMom my dd is also a literal thinker which is one of the reasons that I want to use it.

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