Cooperative Family Games?

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  • Misty

    Looking for some cooperative games.  I’m open to all ages as I’d like to get about 3 of them.  I have kids 5-17 yrs.  What do you like and why? What ages can play alone or with help? Does it hold interest like Monopoly per say where it’s never the same twice?  Thanks


    Ticket To Ride – my 5yo can understand the game enough to play pretty well, my 7yo, 9yo, and 10yo play just fine and I love it too……We’re really sort of addicted to it and play at least once a week.  (And everyday someone plays the app version on our tablet!)

    At the beginning of the game, you pick 3 destination tickets and must keep 2.  Then, you set about trying to get from point A to point B (1 destination) and from point C to point D (the 2nd destination).  You collect colored train cards (you get two on each turn).  And turn in those cards when you claim a route.   Then you put your little plastic train cars (there are 5 different colors for the 5 different players) on that route.  And get points.  And then, hopefully, win!



    We live Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan and Catan Jr., 10 Days in …


    I’m not familiar with any specifically cooperative games, but one of our favourites is “The Farming Game”.  I like it because, unlike Monopoly, when one person does well, it isn’t at the expense of the other players.  With a few adaptations, you could make it cooperative.  Each player has a farm and has to purchase different crops or cattle and try to make a profit.  The object is to be the first player to reach a $250,000 net worth.  You could change that to a combined goal instead.  There are a few cards where the player has to pay an expense, and if someone else owns the right equipment the payment goes to them instead of to the bank, but you could adapt those if you wanted.

    My 9 yo old enjoys the game.  My 7 yo can play independently, but doesn’t much because he doesn’t enjoy most board games.  Non readers would need some assistance, but if you are playing cooperatively, that wouldn’t be a big deal.


    Ah, board games, some of my favorite memories of childhood….

    Our children and their friends have loved Pictionary.  Even a little non-reader can play it if a team member will whisper the word in their ear.

    We also have a “twist” on it, where sometimes, instead of drawing the word, the children must act it out, without speaking.  It’s a great game.

    We allow the children to “skip” is the older children think a word is too difficult for the little ones, or allow the younger ones to draw another card if their one is beyond their understanding.  But we give them the opportunity to choose.  They can be SO creative!

    It is the kind of game that is different every time because your set of words is different, your team mates will be different, and you get the lovely way each individual approaches the problem of describing something, using the set limitations.  Good for creative thinking.

    Happy game hunting.



    We did board games at our co-op and we would have kids bring their favorite games. We really like Qwirkle, it only takes 1/2 hour to finish a game. My 8 year old started playing it when he was 5 or 6.

    We just bought Dicecapades recently, that would be a good one for a co-op, mix of Trivia, challenges and fun stuff.

    Katrina in AK

    We really like the game CAMP. It is basically nature/outdoor trivia, with four different levels of questions, for young ones (age 4 or so) to adult. We play that often.  Reading is required for questions, but can easily be done by a sibling who can read.

    We also play, and enjoy, Ticket to Ride A LOT. (My boys are 7 and 9.) We have the European, US, and Nordic versions.  For beginners, the US game may be the easiest to get the hang of it.


    This is GREAT!  Thanks everyone.  I have looked up some of them on Amazon and can’t wait to order.  I may have to buy for birthdays cause Christmas is so far away.  🙂


    We really like the game Sleeping Queens.


    Yes!! Sleeping Queens is a favorite here.  Five Crowns is in my shopping list for my family right now.


    If you want something for the younger bunch, BusyTown is awesome. It’s like the Richard Scaary books, everyone works together and everyone wins or everyone loses. It has pet that is a search and find. My 6 and 4 year old can play by them selves.


    We love a lot of the games mentioned — Sleeping Queens, Qwirkle, Ticket to Ride, 5 Crowns. None are inherently cooperative but they can be modified.


    We we also play a game called Famous Peoples. No special equipment. All you do is have everyone write down 3-4 famous people and put them in a hat. Take turns picking one at a time. In the first round you describe the person with words to get the others to guess it. 2nd round you can only use 3 words. 3rd round you use 1 word and last round you act out with no words. Even knowing which names are in the hat it is very hard to act out the likes of Martha Washington!



    We have a couple of cooperative games from Peaceable Kingdom–Stone Soup and Hoot Owl. We like Hoot Owl best. They’re more for younger kids, say 10 and under though I don’t mind playing them. My 4, 6, and 9 YOs can easily play them alone.


    Oh so many choices!  Thanks

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