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  • Misty

    Ok. so I have been reading different posts and wanted to ask a few questions.

    Do you have different consequences for each child?  Or are they the same just age appropiate.  AND what do they look like?  I have 6 kids and need something simple and direct.  I have the “charts” from doorposts but for my children just reading them is not working.  They need something that says “If i do this this is going to happen”.

    So what would my 1st … 2nd… 3rd… look like?  Or is yours just 1st.. and that’s it, but what’s it?  IF it doesn’t happen any more this morning, today or this week?  I am talking about repeat offenses like lying, siblings bickering, SASSING/BACKTALKING (major issues right now). 

    Looking to make this process very easy, travel-able (you know I can use it in the car, the store, etc), and the SAME for mom and dad which is a major hang up.  I want to post it like someone said so I can keep track of where they are and what the next thing is.

    Thanks for the input, blessings MISTY


    What we do: Bickering is contention; the Bible says to put a contentious mouth far from me. I consider that a personal application as well as ‘second person.’ Therefore, when the children are bickering, I tell them that and give them a job to do somewhere apart from the rest of us. I do not send them to their room because I have found that causes them to just sit and stew.

    In the car is harder. We separate them (15 passenger vans allow for that Smile) and take away their privilege of speaking. The reason is that speech is a gift from God; he tells us to use our speech to edify. In a store, I will put the offending party right next to me and not allow them the privilege of helping (big ones don’t really care about this, but the littles sure do).

    I find that I must, must, must, be willing to leave a store to discipline if need be. I must be willing to return the items I purchased for the child if need be. I must be willing to disappoint the whole crowd if we’re on our way out the door and it becomes apparent that we should not even go due to discipline issues. I must be willing to embarrass myself and my children, and perhaps inconvenience others if we have to pull a no-show.

    Lying, sassing/backtalking, outright rebellion, as well as safety offenses are spanked. I struggle with consistency here because I am so easily drawn into a debate. Therefore, when I know they are slipping in the area of sassing from lack of training, I typically give them one warning each day until I’m sure they are retrained. The reason is that God says he hates lying and so that is very serious. Sassing/backtalking is challenging authority and therefore is rebellion. Safety issues are not ones that we want to risk repeating.




    We also have a large van 12 pass. and that would work.  My question with spanking (I don’t want to get into the do you or don’t you’s) I do spank, but what abou the 11 yr old who is doing the lying, rebellion, etc.  He just seems like he gets more angry as we spank.  His heart is so hard.   Also, once I am done he just looks at me and huffs away. (No matter how firm yet loving I am).  Do you do the same no matter what the age?

    What you said about leaving, no showing, not doing that is so hard but we are good there.  Unless it’s something that is not an option like church, funerals.  I have left a store before and it’s amazing what 5 minutes in the car just sitting does to help them remember how to behave.  Though yes, I do have to be more consistent on that one.

    Rachel White

    Hi Misty,

    May I ask where your husband is concerning the 11 yr.old? I know you are the one w/him most of the time, but I think your son is at the age where the “prescence” of ‘DAD’ (even mentally)and the consequences from him is vitally important; an 11 yr. old definitely needs to know what’s expected of him, regarding the treatment of his mom and siblings, by the dad. Can your husband take him to work with him sometimes? He needs to be humbled under strong male authorities.

    Personally, I don’t know that a spanking from mom at his age will do much, however, by dad-yes. However, if you must, if he acts that way, it may need to be redone. Or switch to soap in the mouth for an extended period of time-my husband has the children chew on the bar, all over the teeth and tongue, standing in the bathtub (because of bubbles) for 15 min. Then they have to clean their mouth out which increases the bubbles. Then everytime they eat and drink after that that day, their mouth is raw and everyting hurts; which continues the reminder of the offense. Internally, all they will experience is having to go to the bathroom alot; we use Ivory. Of cousre, in all this (spanking and soap) Scriptural study must be included. The punishments alone will not soften the heart. The rod drives out foolishness, but must be coupled in Discipleship (BIblical discipline)

    Out of curiousity, does your son attend a youth group? IMO, youth groups encourage this type of behavoir. In our faith, at the age of ten, the boys start to go to the men’s breakfasts, being around men and hearing testimony from men and begin their accountability classes to G-d and man through their 2 yr. Bar Mitzvah. Perhaps it’s time for him to start attending men’s discipleship classes; he’s certanily old enough, not to mentioned being required to read books from Bob Shultz, giving an account to his father and Pastor (or Priest, right?). Or even better, doing it with your husband (all three of them, as well as other books of the same ilk from Vision Forum). Considering this is a heart issue, Scripture memory dealing the specific areas, is vital as is directed, hands-on Prayers from you and your husband, literally laying hands on him, Blessing into him Scriptural attitudes. Also, listening to accounts of wayward boys; historical bios.

    Lastly, I encourage you and your husband to talk to your Priest about this, too.

    John Rosemond’s books are traditional, Biblical parenting that I think will help you feel more confident in your own authority and consistancy; non of this modern, willy-nilly advice. Speak to him and expect of him as a young man, not a “pre-teen”; he can hear in your words and tone whether your expectations are as him as a boy or young man; not to mention reinforce to him his influence over the siblings and that contention will be taken seriously. Lead him to those Scriptures that talk about what he’s doing and G-d’s view of them and punishments. This is agood time to do a Proverbs study; perhaps the Priest can hold him accountable for that?

    Hard-labor at that age is good, esp. for a boy. Pulling the offender to the passenger seat works for me in the car (and the older is held to the highest standard). Taking away all privileges, games, tv, telephone, (if you can’t speak to each other and mom w/respect you don’t get the privelege of speaking to others as you want leisurely) and other do-dads he has or things he enjoys.

    Well, I hope this has given you some enoucragement and ideas,



    My dh does see it one day my son is helpful, loving, and it all in a bag the next day he’s rude, putting down everyone, and giving dirty looks.  Dh can’t take him to work with him, excpet on rare occasions.  I like the bar soap idea for my 8 yr old with the VERY sassy mouth.  Maybe one time with that (or 3) would get him turned around. 

    No we don’t do any youth groups, sports or the other.  The only time he is with other children is when we are at the park with another family.  So he is not left alone with groups of kids at any time.  Hard labor is always good, taking away privileges is also easy to do. 

    Proverbs study?  What would you recommend.  I feel like he is not in love with the Lord, he believes but maybe don’t think anything will really happen “after”. 

    He is very hard for me to understand.  I know he says things like if I tell the truth I still get in trouble.  I don’t have anyone else my age to play with who likes what I like (which is a selfish thing for him because it’s what he wants or nothing).  Yes, we need to pray over him, literally.  He needs to know we are praying for him seriously every day.  Thanks for your posts. Misty.. keep them coming I am gleaning a lot from them.



    While my children are not as old as yours yet, I find that a simple flick to the temple yeilds more results.  The point in the Bible of using a rod is not to punish the child, but rather to get their attention so that you can then teach them what they are doing wrong and how to make it right.  Therefore, the rod doesn’t have to be a spanking, but could be the loss of a privilege.  For example, spanking my 8 year old doesn’t work, but not letting him go to football practices and games or not going to Tae Know do Practices works like a charm.  You just have to find what works with your son and then be consistent (the hardest part as far as I’m concerned :)). 

    Pray about it and ask God to guide you.  You said he says he doesn’t have anyone to play with who like what he likes.  Perhaps that is his way of telling you he needs something more.  Find what interests him, then tell him that if he will obey the rules for X amount of time then you will consider letting him do it.  I know this sounds like bargining, but the Word does say that God rewards us when we do His Word.  Thus if his obeys your rules (eph 6:1) then he should be rewarded. 



    I am gleaning just as much from these posts, so thank you for posting the question. I was also going to suggest that your husband and your son start spending lots of “man” time together. Your son can pick up on good habits, good speech, how to treat you and his siblings, etc. just from being around a man who exercises those traits. 

    I also think a good, hard spanking from your husband will do so much more than a spanking from you. From experience, it’s much more humiliating for a boy to be spanked by his father than by his mother. And from your description of your 11yo, it sounds like he needs a little humility.

    I think it is good that he doesn’t attend a youth group, as that tends to magnify and worsen the behavior rather than help it. And with his behavior, I wouldn’t let him go anyway because that would be a privilege. 

    Although my children aren’t as old as yours yet, I can echo what writeforchanges said about not letting them have certain privileges. Just recently my ds6 was having a really hard time with his mouth. He was talking back, arguing, etc., and he had his first t-ball practice that afternoon. He was so excited to go. I gave him one warning–if he couldn’t keep his mouth under control and respect me and my authority, he would not go to practice. Well, just a few minutes later, he did it again! It was so hard, but I stuck to my guns and he missed practice. He was devastated, but I didn’t give in. His behavior for the rest of the day was amazing. I wish I had done something that drastic earlier. We’re still working on his mouth–for some reason he always wants the last word in everything (and we’ve been moving and remodeling, so that hasn’t helped any).

    All that to say that you might have to figure out a pretty drastic consequence–something your son would never expect you to do. My ds never expected me to take away tball for the day; and quite frankly, I didn’t expect of myself either.

    All that said, NEVER underestimate the power of prayer. Pray with your husband for your son, pray with your son, pray as a family several times a day, pray, pray, pray! Also remember Jer. 33:3–when we don’t know something, all we have to do is call to the Lord, and He WILL answer us. It’s a promise in His Word. And remember that God is not only shaping your son’s character, but yours as well. Character formation is never easy, but it’s always worth it. 


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