Confused about LA for 6yo.


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  • HSMom03

    I am a little confused about language arts the CM way.  Should I be doing something like Queen’s Language Lessons for Little Ones (not sure which volume I’d need) with my almost 6yo?  We are doing The Reading Lesson as I can’t really order Delightful Reading right now.  I plan to add in some readers soon.  We also have a K handwriting book.  What else should I be doing with him as far as language arts?  I know to start oral narration after he turns 6… am I missing anything?  Thanks!


    I believe that’s it…and of course reading. That’s all I’m doing with my D6. We read a lot of books, do reading lessons, and handwriting daily.

    Alicia Hart

    Did you check the free curriculum guides on this website and on Charlotte Mason Help? They offer great guidance for the earlier years.

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