Computer Skills

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  • pangit


    Our children have not used the computer extensively yet.  Our oldest will be grade this coming year.  They do look up things on the internet.  She has done some simple typing Word but doesn’t really know how to use the functions.  They can open their typing program and use that.  I think that it is time to get her more comfortable with the computer.  It has been so long since I have used a lot of the programs and they have all changed so much since then that I’d like some sort of program to follow.  I have looked at Fundafunda Academy and Classes by Beth.  I am not excited about spending that amount of money for this class.  But the classes will be teaching some things with current technology that I have no experience with.  Any suggestions?  I am not necessarily looking for a live class; just looking for options.



    Compuscholar has self directed classes. My ds14 is doing the web savvy course now.  He knew a good deal of it. But he’s using it as a springboard to web design and coding.  You could check coursera for options.

    We haven’t done the class you mentioned at Classes By Beth because we use Mac computers, but have taken other classes there that went well.


    I plan to use this. It’s free.


    Thank you!  I am checking out these resources now.

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