Computer class


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  • mommyp4

    I want my oldest son to learn some basic computer skills. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good program for homeschoolers that would teach the basics.

    Thanks, Angie



    This is the program we’ve used:



    Doug Smith

    I recently ran across a book for kids to learn computer programming that looks really good. It’s called Hello World!: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners. I was impressed with what I saw online enough to ask the publisher for a copy so I could take a look and review it here for you.

    So just a heads up that I’ll be posting some more information once I finish putting it through a trial with a couple kids. Please let me know if there are any specific questions you want to make sure I cover.


    I am also wanting my kids to have good computer skills and programming would be great!  I would like to know what ages are recommended to start this.  is it easier if they start relatively young and sort of grow up knowing it and just keep adding on to their knowledge or should this not be started until they are older?  Thanks!Laughing

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