competition in narrations

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  • bethanna

    I didn’t want to hijack the other post regarding narration. My oldest two are also 7 and 5. The 7yo had to work at telling back what we read (and still finds it difficult at times), but her brother 5 (soon to be 6) is a natural! We have never required him to narrate; he just goes into it on his own, with details & making connections with other things we have seen, read, etc. How do I encourage him & her both without encouraging the desire to compete? Since we are so close to his 6th birthday, he will be narrating our Bible &history/science readings when our new term begins. And these two children enjoy competition far more than I’d prefer; I don’t want it to affect our school time.


    One way to reduce the competition is to have them narrate different passages, different days, etc. For example, on M-W-F your daughter narrates Bible and he does it on T-Th. The next week you can have your son do M-W-F and her T-Th. Another thing that helps is to always require and model encouragement to each other and good sportsmanship. If they are egging each other on to do well it can only help them both.


    We take turns, also. My kids are 3 yrs apart but the younger tends to remember/explain more. I generally have more than one subject we read together. They don’t know who I’m going to ask after each reading (so both need to be paying attention:) Occasionally I’ll ask the other if they have something to add. HTH some! Gina


    Thank you! I will write these ideas in our plans.

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