Combining years?

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  • pecangrove

    Hello all! It has been quite a while since I’ve been here, but I have decided to really take the plunge this coming year.
    The issue I have is this – I will have a 2nd grader and 8th grader. I want them to be on the same year, but I also want my oldest to finish the cycle by 12th grade so he will have his American and World history credits. I was thinking I could accomplish this by combining Egypt and Greece for next year. Then they both could finish the cycles completely through their years.
    Has anyone does this, though? Is it overly burdensome? Would you suggest some other way to get through that time period in the last half of this year and just start with Rome next year?
    If I can’t find a good way to do this, I may just have them do Egypt next year and move my oldest to Notgrass for high school. Any advice would be very much appreciated – thanks in advance!


    I tried to plan out combining modules 1-3 with all the Bible readings, history and geography.  It was too much for us to fit in.  So I made independent reading lists for each child, used some audio books, and read from the Vos Children’s Bible.  You could easily do the history and geography of modules 1 & 2 in one year, but if you still want to do all the Bible readings, you will have to schedule Bible daily or use a Children’s Bible some.  I think others here have done two modules in one year in this way.  On our next rotation, I will have a 9th grader and I am looking at using Beautiful Feet ancients.


    I think we may drop the bible, then, and focus on just the history/geo for the first 2 modules. We have CLE that we like for bible, anyway. That way we can start with module 3 the following year and everyone will be on schedule. 🙂


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