Combining kids for Literature

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  • Katrina in AK

    As I look ahead at planning for my two boys, ages 5 and 7, I am wondering about literature and the sheer volume of it. I have a whole slew of books for the younger, and a separate list for the elder, though I know both will listen to all of them. This is wonderful, and I am excited for this year.

    As I think to next year, do you think I should repeat our first grade books for my younger while moving on with my elder, or should we just consolidate? I am not worried about either approach. I am just curious about what you do.

    I like to combine them wherever I can, but I don’t want either to miss out on great books. Neither one is reading independently yet.


    We do literature at bedtime. Everyone climbs into one bed and we do a read-aloud. Currently they are on book 14 of the “Wizard of Oz” series when Daddy puts them to bed. When he can’t put them to bed, I am about halfway through “Black Beauty” with them.

    My kids are ages 3, 5, 7, and 11, by the way.

    Just start wherever…and go!


    We always have a family read aloud going at varying levels. However, we also have individual literature. I read the lit to my non readers, but once they can read, they read their own.


    I would just select from the list books that will appeal to everyone as read alouds rather than try to keep two separate lists. It will be much more enjoyable (and manageable) that way.


    I had high hopes of combining my children, but alas, they have different interests.  I felt the same as you about the younger not experiencing the great books my older did.  Well, what do you know?  My son asked me to read “Charlotte’s Web” to him, and I had read it to my DD 2 years ago when she was his age.  So, for now I am reading “All of a Kind Family” to her at her request.  I caught my son listening in as I read to her this evening. Smile

    We are also going through the Little House series, so I plan to cover them all eventually, but we are throwing in other great books in between as well. Honestly, I see my DD wanting me to read books like “The Little Princess”, “Heidi”, and “Pollyanna” while DS may prefer books like “Huck Finn” and “Tom Sawyer” in the future.  So we may do some books together and some separately.  I am having to learn to be flexible in this area.


    My hubby reads aloud to the kids in the evenings; they are dd12, ds10, dd8.  I don’t usually plan out the books in advance, but when we finish one I just grab another one.  We have read “boy” books and “girl” books.  Don’t make assumptions based purely on gender:  my son really enjoyed A Little Princess and Heidi.  He was touched by their courage and strength. And my girls have enjoyed Treasure Island, etc.

    Now, not every book is equally enjoyed by every child, but we still read them.  I figure it’s all part of exposing them to a variety.  And when they don’t enjoy a book, they’re learning to express themselves as to why (which I think is also important…part of that grand conversation).

    I also have books that each child is supposed to read independently – again, I usually don’t plan those in advance but just grab and put on their section of the bookshelf and they are expected to read them (when they were younger someone read to them – myself or an older sibling).

    That’s just what happens in our home, HTH.


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