combing history lessons

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  • jill smith

    I recently read a post on combing history moduals. Can someone send me the link or explain how to go about doing this. We are finishing up on modual 1 and I would like to getmy 9th grader through them a little faster so we can spend more time on AMerican History.



    Some people like to do Bible separate and do the first 3 modules in 1 year. 1 each term.


    I agreer w/Kayla. I’m trying to condense a bit myself. Egypt and Greece have Bible scheduled 3 days per week. Rome has Bible 2 days. The rest of the guides have Bible scheduled 1 day per week (w/Geo on that day…but that could easily be tacked onto another day of the week). 

    So, for the following guides I’m assuming you want to complete, if you have a 36 week school year and did something separate for Bible, you’d gain the following days per guide:

    Greece: 108

    Rome: 72

    MA/Ren/Ref: 36

    Early Modern: 36

    Modern: 36

    That’s 288 days of history you’d gain if you did all the guides and did something else for Bible. How much time are you wanting to spend on American? If it were me, I’d probably evaluate how much of the other eras I wanted to cover and maybe just read the spine selections for those if I needed to make up more days. Or maybe assign some of the readers as summer reading. Hope that was all clear! It is in my brain, but not sure if I relayed it well:) Blessings, Gina

    P.S. I’m still trying to decide, but since Bible/Geo is only scheduled once per week in Modules 4-6 I think I’ll use them as written, but add the Bible/Geo to another day of the week so we’re only taking 4 days a week to complete 5 days of work. 


    In case the above seems jumbled, I actually just figured out for myself how many days each module will take if you skip the SCM Bible selections:

    Greece: 72 days of history scheduled (180 days minus 108 days of Bible skipped)

    Rome: 108 days of history scheduled

    MA/Ren/Ref: 144

    Ealry Modern: 144

    Modern: 144

    This is 612 days of history to complete Modules 2-6 if only using the History, and adding the Geo. onto a History day rather than taking a separate day (lessons short).  If you school 180 days per year there are 540 school days over the next 3 years, leaving you w/72 days to make up.  You could just drop some books, or add them to summer reading. Anyway, it can be done…just needs tweaking for what works best for your family:) Blessings, Gina

    P.S. And I hope I did my math correctly:)


    I just want to mention that the Bible in modules 1-3 is historical and integral to the time period being studied. Remove it and you lose a significant chunk of the HISTORY study. Part of the beauty of these three modules is how they weave the Biblical account into the secular history. It is all history.

    Personally, having gone through all 6 time periods (using modules 2-6 the first time) and starting over with module 1 this year, I would be more apt to switch out Bible in modules 4-6 for something else than I would for modules 1-3.

    Each person needs to figure what’s best, of course, but I simply wanted to convey that the Bible isn’t just tacked on and separate, but rather part of the historical record to be studied.

    Just my 2 cents,



    I totally agree Christie! I wish I would have discovered SCM early and been able to have time to do a full round through the modules…definitely the ideal. 

    jill smith

    okay LAdies, so do I combine Greece and Rome? will the kids get confused of what era we are in? how do you manage that. Bible is great in these Modules so I certainly wouldleave them in. We are schooling year around now so does that casue a concern? Can any of you share a schedule for combining lessons for a sample. I need to look at it (sorry very visual) lol. I would like to order them soon if we go this route. Thanks to you all for the input.




    The simplest method is to start with the Greece module and do 2 lessons per day and when you finish that module, move to the Rome module. You could vary the way you put it together, but if you want to do the complete modules, that is the simplest. Cover 10 lessons per week instead of 5.



    jill smith

    Thanks Christie!:)

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