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  • amandajhilburn

    Have any of you used the curriculum lists on charlottemasonhelp? I am esp. Interested in years 7-12.

    We used the majority of the books they have on there along with some I liked better…we found it meaty and very interesting. However we made our own plan as I found theirs too rigid and burdensome. We took books from the salad bar and made our own schedules to suit our lifestyle and needs. Was there anything specific you wanted to know? I actually used HEO and not CMHelp, but CM help uses the books from HEO so it is the same thing. Linda


    We are using SCM this coming fall and have used their recomendations for a few years now. I was just thinking ahead for more independent work and was curious about the schedules. I’m also not sure if we will continue to combine family subjects forever or not. My older child (who is almost 12) is beginning to really like doing her own thing. Just thinking ahead 🙂

    The books for HEO/CMHelp seem much different from the books listed for…say… history in SCM. Are they really good? Not knowing much about the texts makes me a little scared to jump into it esp. if my children will be working more independently.

    Thanks for your comments 🙂

    Amanda I think the books are excellent for a meaty high school course, they are not easy reads and require thinking and diligence, but they are in the main well worth the time and effort. We loved the Churchill books and the girls learned so much from them, they can be a bit dry for some, but Churchill was a wonderful writer. If you give me specific books I can better answer the question. I wanted the girls to read for college in case they decided to go, so I opted for meatier reading….there is nothing wrong with the SCM history at all, except that the girls had read most of the books listed, by the time they got to high school, so I needed something more. The girls also love history, so reading more challenging books was not a hardship for them. The HEO schedule I did not care for so we made our own to suit our little family – I think you would enjoy doing the same…pick your books to cover the time period and then set it up as you would normally, I use the SCM plan your CM education forms to do that and it works great. I should also say, I studied a lot of history and it was my major in college, albeit European, so the books were not too difficult for me, if you struggle yourself with history or don’t enjoy it, you may not enjoy Churchill, however there is benefit in trying them…I like the books by William Bennett that SCM lists and we have read some of those, but we read mostly Martin Gilbert and Paul Johnson for the main books. It certainly would help if you had time to read some of these books before your child did, then you could see whether they would be suitable or not. Linda


    Hello!  I hope I’m not butting in…. I am planning to begin using the SCM history modules this coming school year.  My oldest child is only 7.

     In your experience, is SCM better suited for elementary years?  Will I always need to be shopping for school?  I love teaching my children.   I love CM’s ideas and methods.  I do not love selecting material!!  I find that I second guess myself too easily and would rather have the materials set out for me so that I can spend my time with my children presenting living ideas and encouraging their growth.  SCM seems to fit a need I have:  laid out plans that incorporate Bible with history and combines all ages so we have room to grow with the curriculum. After reading this thread, I feel discouraged….  Hoping you can shed some light on SCM and your homeschool…   


    I only have a moment right now, but in NO way are you butting in 🙂  I wanted to quickly say that I love SCM! I was only curious and wondering about cmhelp because of the independent schedule and exams already made for me. 

    To be honest, the books listed for cmhelp intimidates me A LOT! I think the choices from SCM are much more suited for us to use. I don’t like that several of the books on cmhelp have disclaimers about content and the like. I think the SCM folks are looking out for that type of thing before they recommend any materials and I really appreciate that. AND…after looking at the cmhelp site more I saw where I can get her schedule forms and just make my own check list for my 7th-12th graders when we get to that point.

    Please don’t be discouraged! SCM is the best thing I have ever used and I don’t plan on changing!



    Jennifer, they are wonderful. I do not think that you always need to be shopping.  Your kids will have a great experience and education with SCM.  

    A lot of us like looking at different options and ideas – I do it all the time, just because I like to see what options there are.  My plan is to use the SCM Modules all the way through high school.  If I feel that we need to spend some extra time or add an additional book or two for our goals, then I want to know what I need and where to get it.  That is just me.

    Also, lots of people change their plans all the time.  That used to worry me a bit that I wasn’t more like that.  Then I read something on a math thread that made me realize something important.  I have changed our math way too often because it wasn’t working, or we didn’t like it, or there was something that looked “greener” on the other side of what I was doing.  The wise mama that said a lot of our problems with switching math programs all the time was that we weren’t giving it enough time to work.  Math doesn’t happen overnight.  A Charlotte Mason Education takes time to see results – and it is a matter of faith.  Be patient – I think that you are going to be pleased with your choice.  

    I think SCM is fine for all years depending on what you want….however when it came to history, we had covered a lot of the books that SCM recommends in earlier years – and so they were of no use to me for the later high school years. We like AO/HEO because they are CM and have excellent books…some of them very meaty and interesting and more adult reading…my girls love history as I do, and we wanted something that was challenging…we still used narration both written and oral; essays and things like that. I did not do a pure CM education with the girls, we did a mix, but all our reading was CM style, with the appropriate narrations depending on age. SCM is excellent in all years especially up to high school level I think, and depending on your needs and desires it would work for high school too…I just know that the history was not perhaps challenging enough for college, some of the books are but I did not think there were enough of them. I wanted the girls to be ready for the challenging reading they would have in college, and I know in my high school years in the UK, we read some pretty hefty books in readiness for our college reading – that is where I first read the Churchill books. So it is up to the idividual, to see what is good for their own family. Amanda is enjoying SCM, so there is no real need to change, and the books that AO/HEO recommend that may have risque content you can easily avoid. I for one don’t believe in avoiding all risque things with older teens, they need to have some idea of what is out there – having said that though there is nothing we have read that has shocked any of us. I just know that college is challenging, the reading is hard, and I wanted the girls to have some experience of that so that it won’t be a shock when they start classes. As long as you have put your faith into your school in the younger years, the high school student should be well able to handle and discuss more challenging things in readiness for college and adult life. If SCM is working great, no need to change, but if like us you have already read a lot of the books earlier on, then you need something different and HEO has some valuable books to offer.

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