CM Without a Curriculum


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    I just realized I responded to your math post in the wrong place 😂.  It helps a lot to take a break and reset your own mind.  I left social media because it clouded my mind so much!  Still don’t have it all figured out but there’s a lot less temptation!  It always helps me to pray about things and talk to my children about what their goals are, what they enjoy, etc.  Also helps me to know what my basic goals are for education (what are the must dos).  Those seem to change with their age.


    Oh that is quite alright, I didn’t even catch that, lol.  Yes, I am trying to keep in mind exactly what our goals are for the upcoming year.  I think we had a sparse year, at least for my older two.  My second son said it felt like he didn’t do enough classes, but that is because we did more the prior year, and it was a struggle for him.  I think the goals of CM are very much in line with mine.  My fear is that I won’t be able to accomplish them peacefully.  It sounds romantic to plan, but the day in and day out is sometimes “rushed” in our homeschool because we usually have someplace to be. (My kids take a few private lessons for extracurriculars–everyone loves the homeschoolers for flexibility, but we still need some routine, too!)


    We are “curriculum” dropouts here. Lol! We have tried many planned/scheduled programs throughout the years and each time we have dropped them. That applies to CM and non-CM curriculum alike. With the literature heavy programs we feel boxed in and stuck with that particular book list. With more traditional type curriculum we end up hating workbook heavy stuff. We now identify as an Interest Led Charlotte Mason family. We choose our own topics and books. I was hoping to incorporate more Master Books courses this year just so we have the structure of their handy schedules, but we are definitely not going to use most of the workbooks. I may print the schedules from their free samples so we have more structure, but then have the kids narrate, etc instead of worksheets, especially for science and history. I may buy the SCM book about planning one’s own books/schedule. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I completely get where you are coming from. I rambled a lot! Lol!


    Oh I love that label! I’ve considered interest-led learning, though we will have a math curriculum. I wound up purchasing three books for myself on math and CM language arts. I’m hoping they will help guide me. I don’t mind buying a bit (I still feel unsure about Cm spelling), but maybe these books will help. I kinda feel like I need to start over or that I haven’t served my kids well or given them the best of me.  Next year will be year 4 for us homeschooling!


    I’m sure you are doing just fine by your kids. Can I ask which books you purchased for CM math and LA?


    Hi!  I ended up purchasing Know and Tell by Karen Glass as well as Hearing and Reading, Telling and Writing by Sonya Shafer.  🙂  I figure reading those will help me decide if I do need to buy any curriculum pieces this year.  I am really trying to limit that.  My oldest desperately needs to work on his writing, though he had a great grammar year.  And I think they’d all benefit from reading great books and conducting oral compositions, recitations, etc.


    Thank you for sharing! We need to work on writing here as well and grammar for my youngest.


    Well, best wishes for a successful year ahead!  Sadly, so many have recommended books that I should have read, and finally, I am going to do it.  I want to feel good when we finish next year!

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