CM Organizer Trial

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  • baileymom

    OK, so this is going to be a great way to start our CM education…but I signed up today for the trial, and I cannot find, for the life of me, how to actually get into it. I click on “CM Organizer” and it just takes me to the book finder ???

    I know I’m missing something VERY obvious, I’m not good with computers…maybe I should have thought of that before I signed up, huh 🙂

    Could someone, anyone, just give me a quick response and let me know what I’m missing?

    Sonya Shafer

    On the Bookfinder page, you should see a Log In link in the upper right corner. Once you log in, you will see three more tabs across the top besides the Bookfinder: Scheduler, Daily Plan, and Reports. Once you log in, the first thing you’ll want to do is go put your students’ names in your Account (also upper right hand corner of the screen). Then you’ll be all set to start finding books in the Bookfinder and Schedule them.


    Thanks again Sonya!

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