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  • mandyc

    I scheduled individual studies on its own and didn’t add any of those resources Individually. I want to change this and make everything separate. If I delete the individual studies and make each resource separate will it delete all of the work already completed? Hope this question makes sense..

    Jordan Smith

    If you remove a resource from your schedule, any work you’ve marked Worked On or Completed will still be saved in your Reports.


    Hi need help pls I am new  and not are where my student will get the books to read. Do I need to select the buy button

    Jordan Smith

    Hi Queenesther! The CM Organizer is a scheduling and record-keeping tool designed to help you track your Charlotte Mason home school. The books you see in the Bookfinder tab are not the actual books available to purchase or view online; they are records of the books’ chapters and other information for scheduling and tracking.

    In the Bookfinder, we have Buy buttons that take you to a store such as Amazon or a publisher’s store so you can find where that book is available for purchase. There is also a button to search libraries near your zip code to find the book available to borrow.

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