CLP nature readers

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  • nerakr

    I finally found a set of CLP nature readers reasonably priced. Now how do I schedule them in? Do I read from them once a week in addition to anything else I may be doing science related, or design my science program around them?




    I’m new to all this and am not sure how you are want to do science, but my kids have read their CLP readers when I have scheduled independent reading for each of them. We use Apologia Science two days a week, and nature study one day a week. The readers are just a little something extra that we like.

    I have 2 children, and one has independent work to do while I guide the other one in math, language or spelling. We have been alternating reading books, so they don’t read from the CLP books everyday. They also pick books from the library on their reading levels. Since the CLP books have shorter all inclusive stories, they have been able to read one story at a time without any problems.

    Don’t know if that helps you at all, but I thought I’d share anyway 🙂



    Ds isn’t reading independently yet; he’s only five. I thought we’d start them next school year, or during the summer when it’s hard to find the library books I’m looking for. As for how I want to do science, I’m not sure. I thought I’d pick a topic and get library books to support it, maybe do an experiment if I can find one. The CLP readers wouldn’t always match the topic, though, I’m sure. I don’t think Book 1 includes weather and astronomy, for example.


    I love these nature readers.  It’s a very short story.  We usually read one “lesson,” then my dd draws what she has heard.  I have enjoyed these much more than I thought I would!



    I am looking for any tips on how to carry out a nature study.  I’ve read information about it, but don’t know exactly how to go about it as well as I feel pressured to do it daily.  My children are 2,6,9 and some babies/toddlers I baby sit weekly!



    Sonya Shafer

    Theresa, this series of articles on nature study might be a good place to start.

    As for specifics, in your situation I would get the 9 year old a nature notebook and possibly the 6 year old. They would be required to add an observation, either written or drawn, to their notebooks once a week. You can do the writing for the 6yo as he tells you what he wants to say, if needed.

    The younger children would do well to be outdoors every day, but they don’t need to be doing any formal nature study at this point. Just let them get personally acquainted with nature on their own terms. Here are some CM ideas of other things to do with the preschoolers outside.


    Sonya, (or anybody)

    How can I use the CLP nature readers with a child who is not ready for independent work? Do I let them be the entire science reading for the year, or can I do other things too? I would like to cover weather and astronomy in addition to the animal-related topics in Book 1. I noticed it is used in 106 Days, but purchasing that guide wouldn’t be very feasible for me. My library  has maybe half of the books listed, and the other half are hard for me to find at a price I’m willing to pay. I want to build a well-thought-out science curriculum, which is why I’m starting now, halfway through kindergarten, for 1st grade. I don’t want to feel as if I’ve wasted my money on this purchase.

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