CLEP for College Algebra


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  • kim


    So, my daughter graduated a few years ago, and attended her first year of college this past year.  It is a bible college, kind of decided to go at the last minute, and just wanted to get a feel for it, and see if that was the way God was leading, so the first year she took all Bible classes, as she really wasn’t planning on returning.  Well now she has decided she would like to go back next year and get an Associates Degree, but in order to do that she would need to take College Algebra…. and that’s the catch!!

    She is a great paper writer, but math is not her strong point.  She completed Algebra and Geometry in high school, but says she does not remember a lot.  There is a College Algebra class, but says that even the math whizzes, are having a tough time with it, as the teacher doesn’t explain things well??  She is hoping to spend the summer studying and then CLEP out of the class.

    So my question is….. is that even possible?? and what are the best materials to use in order to even attempt this??

    Thank you for your input!




    Kim, I haven’t had my daughter do any CLEP tests at this point but I have looked into it quite a bit. My understanding is that you can get a study guide for each CLEP test so I would buy the guide for Algebra 1 and use it to study. She can always use Khan academy for any concepts she needs extra help with.


    Verity institute. org uses CLEP tests to shorten degree times.  Maybe they have some advice or she could do one CLEP class with them. I am not sure of the details or what they offer.

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