Chores for the younger ones?


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  • Misty

    So I am getting ready to make a new summer chore chart (as our charts change with seasons, summer/fall & spring/winter) and it’s very easy to find chores for the older children.  But I’m having a hard time finding things for my 4.5 yr old son.  Now maybe it’s just that being we have 6 workers that the division is so much that I haven’t really found hard enough chores for the olders and that leaves the youngers with nothing.  Or I’m just over thinking this? 

    My 2 yr old girl is easy as she just buddies up with me or an older sibling.  Any good suggestions?  Also what I really need is not just things that get done weekly, but I like to have a “daily” chore for each of the kids.  Like filling dishwasher, getting mail, vacuuming, etc..  So I’m looking for something my 4.5 yr old can do every morning or evening.

    Thanks Misty



    Clearing and wiping the table, taking laundry to the laundry area, dust-busting the corners (where the broom has a hard time reaching), watering some low plants, folding some laundry, putting away dried dishes that are kept in low cabinets, ???

    It is hard when you have multiple ages. Sometimes I wish we lived on a farm so the kids had multiple chores. : )



    My 5 year old does the following things – she wasn’t doing all of these independently at 4.5, but was probably in “training” for them at that age (can’t remember exactly now):

    – makes bed

    – get dressed/put away pajamas (either back in the drawer if they are clean, or into the laundry if they are dirty)

    – empty the smaller trash cans in each room into the large trash can in the kitchen

    – washes lunch dishes (just plates/cups/silverare/plastic things at this stage – I still do anything large or extra dirty, but we don’t usually have anything like that for lunch which is why I have assigned that meal to her.  We don’t have a dishwasher)

    – helps fold laundry.  She does well with towels, cloth diapers, and most of the smaller sized clothing items.

    I don’t know if you’ve ever checked out the blog Preschoolers and Peace?  She is a homeschooling mom of 8 and has done a number of posts on how they handle chores in their family – I know that at one point she had a list of ideas that children of different ages could do.




    Setting out the silverware for each meal.  Taking care of the “little” garbages – emptying each of the small wastebaskets in the bathrooms (there are 3), school room, etc. and then making sure they have clean bags.  Fold the washclothes/microfibers.  Wipe down bathroom counters/sinks.  Helping mom with the table (putting out condiments, bowls of food, etc).  Feed a pet if you have one.  Get out and put away the books/scriptures needed for family devotional.


    put out water for the pet 

    put out cutlery for meals.  Put own dish and dishes of younger into dish washer

    Help empty dishwasher (she started with cutlery… now she hads up things to her older brother (7) – also put pots and pans into our (very low) pot drawer)

    help take garbage to the curve (we have garbage cans with wheals – or she takes a LIGHT bag…)

    fetches things / put things in garbage (so does the 2yo)

    make own bed / tidy room / put dirty clothes in hamper, etc.

    fold laundry (done as a family) – match socks, put clean laundry away.  (I am amazed at how well our 2yo can fold!)



    thanks everyone.  So maybe it is that my olders need harder chores?  LOL  I can and should include more in my laundry but I’m a nit pick with it.  I want it folder right, things in the corect piles and so I do it myself.  Though they do fold towels, socks etc.  I just leave shirts (though I’m letting go more with the older ones) and jeans are a must for me to fold.  Ahh I have problems 🙂

    He does a lot of these things already, bed, PJ’s, empty trashes, but dusting baseboards and helping fold more would be good.  A room a day!  thanks

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