Chore cards for grown-ups!

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  • Sue

    Hello, all of you well-organized moms with lovely homes! (And, that’s not me….not entirely.)

    I have read through lots of posts on chore charts for kids. Good ideas, but…..I am looking for chore cards for me! I am trying to develop a flip book (4×6 cards in a small photo album with sleeves, where the pages flip over) similar to the “Flipper System” found in Sandra Felton’s Messies Manual book. (The book has been revised & published under the new title, Winning the Clutter War.

    I am not particularly fond of the new K.I.S.S. Flipper System she is offering at present, nor do I want to spend the money on it at this point. So, I have been searching for printable chore cards to list daily, weekly, and monthly and/or quarterly chores. The problem is all of my searches seem to turn up cute little cards for preschoolers or children. Not what I’m looking for–I need cards for me! (And for my teen girls to glean from.)

    Do any of you domestic mavens now where I could find printable chore cards like this for adults? Or maybe just a good list of chores that I could use to make my own cards. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel if I don’t have to, so I was hoping to find a printable set of cards.




    Sending a pm.


    I LOVE the Confident Mom Planner!!!  It’s free, you can edit it on the computer, and if you dont want to print it, you can use it on your Kindle, tablet, etc.  I’m not 100% diligent in using it every day but, when I am, it really keeps everything on track and I love how she works in all of the “spring cleaning” type stuff throughout the year.  So many things I otherwise completly neglect or forget like changing batteries in the alarms, cleaning baseboards, blinds, light fixtures, cleaning out the oven, etc. etc.  Initially, if I skipped a few days I would feel like I needed to “catch up” and do 3-4 days worth of stuff at once but now, I give myself grace and simply get back on track from whatever day it is.  🙂


    The Confident Mom Planner looks nice (and I like “free”), but I was wondering if you know whether they have any sample pages to look at? I saw something that said “sneak peek” on the ordering page, but there was no clickable link.

    I suppose I could just go ahead & order/download it since it’s free, though.


    I thought I saw sample pages when I bought it (it was not free back in December) but, I can’t remember where I saw them.  But yeah, since it’s free you can just download and then remove it from your computer if you don’t like it.


    Oh, I’ll bet it’s free now because (as I just noticed) it is specifically a 2014 planner, so they will probably be coming out with a 2015 edition soon for purchase. Still, this one might have ideas I can use to create my own chore cards.


    Yes, but, it’s just a matter of dates lined up with days of the weeks.  Since you can edit it, I think you can just change the dates yourself or remove the days of the week and then you can use it over and over.  It would probably be a bit time consuming though.  I don’t recall it costing very much for the PDF.  I was thinking of just updating my own to match up with 2015 dates myself but, I’m waiting to see if she ads anything new & different to the 2015 version.


    Could you get a spiral-bound set of notecards and make your own schedule? You could have 30 cards with a different chore or two (or three) written on each one and then flip the card over every morning. Chores that you want to get done more than once per month could be written on every 7th card or every 14th card or something like that.

    Things like cleaning baseboards, blinds, and ceiling fans and flipping the mattress could be scheduled just once in the 30 days. Then you could have your chores that need to be done weekly written in such a way that they fall on the same day each week when the notecard is flipped. I don’t think I’d put any more than 3 chores per day and only 1 per day for big ones like mopping floors.

    Is that kind of what you’re talking about, Sue?


    @Lindsey, that is kind of what I am thinking of, only I really would rather not write them out by hand. (Nerve damage to my right hand, so it’s hard to do too much writing.) I was kind of thinking of making some cards I could print off from my computer, if I didn’t spend too much time fiddling around with them trying to make them look creatively cute….

    Now I just have to decide what goes on which card!

    And, actually, I could print off what I want on paper, cut them apart, and then just glue them onto the spiral notecards.


    I just had an interesting idea. If I put the daily chores on one side of the cards and stood the whole thing up like a little tent, the other side (when you turn it around) could have a weekly, monthly, or quarterly chore.

    If I could put that together without giving myself a headache trying to figure out what went on the back of which card…


    Hi Sue.

    I wanted to let you know what’s working for me. I am using the something similar to SCM Scripture Memory index card box to organize my chores. The only two differences are that I am using a Rolodex (so my cards stay together…my Rolodex is a vintage one that closes with a key and holds 3 x 5 cards), and I have added tabs for each month too (daily, Sunday-Saturday, 1-31, Jan-Dec tabs). When I complete a card, I write the date on the back so I can see when was the last time I did the task. I sometimes use post-it notes for miscellaneous tasks, appointments, and notes and just stick them to cards.

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