Checking more than 1 subject

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  • Melissa Nickel

    Could the scheduler be modified to allow me to check more than 1 subject for a particular resource?  For instance, we read a book about Mozart that could be for Music as well as History.  Would be a beautiful thing!


    I’ve never tried it, but I think that it would work if you just called up the resourse twice and scheduled it under both headings.  You would still read it once, but check it off on both after you read it.

    Doug Smith

    That is correct. You can schedule a resource as many times as you like.


    I also often want to note that a resource is multi-subject.  The way I have dealt with this is to schedule “activities” for each subject – like “art activity” “math activity”  “history activity”  “language arts activity” etc, then call the divisions “activity” and just add a bunch of them, like 30.

    So if my daughter read a book about Mozart for music, I would also mark it as a completed history activity, with a note saying that she read the book about Mozart.

    I use these activities a lot to note things they do on their own as well, that are not scheduled as part of curriculum but that I want to add to the record, like writing a story or letter, or doing an art project, or working puzzles or mazes. 

    I am going to try adding a resource under more than one heading the next time something comes op that would be appropriate for that – never thought of doing that on purpose, although I have done it on accident!  LOL

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