CGC-I want to see samples

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  • lgeurink

    I can’t seem to find samples online anywhere of what Considering God’s Creation looks like.  Does anyone know where I could see a few pages?  Every other curriculum I look at gives a few pages.  I am really leaning toward CGC but don’t want to commit sight unseen.  What I want to avoid are workbook pages.  If you don’t know of a site with samples (because I sure can’t find one!), can you tell me the style of the pages please?  We did 106 Days a few years ago and I am looking forward to running through it again one last time before my oldest needs to move beyond nature study.  Otherwise I have read good reviews of God’s Design for Science if that is not too much like a text book.  I have read every forum post on God’s Design (science curric. in general!) today and things are starting to blur….


    The TM lesson usually runs about 3 pages and contains a vocabulary section that are recommended to make into flashcards, then the main lesson, Bible readings, evolution stumpers, songs, etc. It also contains ideas for extending the lessons. The activity book for Considering God’s Creation is black and white cut-n-paste type book. There are a few card games to print, a few pages to record information on, and some Scientist Detective fill in the blank pages. I thought that they were no longer publishing this book (although I am not positive!), so maybe that is why there is no sample.



    I also think it is out of print and thats why there are no samples.


    I have a set like new that I will probably sell.  My boys didn’t care for the cut and paste.  We switched to Apologia and they want to stick with it.



    I had a hard time finding sample pages as well, but finally managed to find some through a blog review!  I just bought this program a few weeks ago…It’s definitely still in print, but you have to order the book directly from Eagle’s Wings.  The workbook is now a PDF and many of the pages require a lot of ink to print!  We have a laser printer, so it’s not a big deal, but I could see this being a problem with Inkjet printers.  The teacher’s guide is a large paperback book with CD. 

    This blog has a link to some pages, but for some reason I couldn’t find it directly on their site.

    Direct Link:

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