Can we talk purses?

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  • Betty Dickerson

    This seems so silly to me, but it really is affecting me!  I’ve noticed that when I carry my purse, my muscle on my back, to the right of my spine and under my shoulder blade gets pinched and hurts!  It was contributing to back pain that I was having.  Last year I went through several purses and still have not found the right one.  My dearest hubby even bought me Healthy Back Bag that is so uncomfortable for me.  It was pricey too so that hurts even more!

    I need a roomy purse but not HUGE because I’m only 5’3″.  I’ve questioned a back pack purse which is very comfortable when I wear it like a back pack, but most often I end up wearing just one strap.  But I’m willing to try again.  My last back pack purse I bought from Payless for $20!!!  I haven’t been able to find another like it.

    Also, I’m debating between leather (or faux leather) and cloth since leather adds to the weight though it is more practical.  I’ve been eyeing the Vera Bradley purses that cross over your front.  Are these really comfortable?  Maybe I can find a discontinued pattern on ebay for cheaper? 

    I also like to take my planner and a spiral notebook with me when I go out.  I had thought it would be great to have a purse big enough to slip these into, but will it be comfortable?  Is it better to just carry those in a tote?

    What do you all use for your purses?  Have you found something that really works for you and that’s comfortable? 

    Many Thanks,




    Like you, I am quite petite and have carried purses and bags that just about pull me over, let alone the back and shoulder pain!  I ended up sewing my own out of sturdy, soft cloth.  It’s a cross over messenger bag/purse and I find that it distributes the weight more evenly, plus I made the strap extra wide so it wouldn’t cut into my neck like the skinny straps sometimes do.  I got the pattern from an Etsy shop here:

    I made the length of the strap just right to fit my height and I love it (the style I made is the 4th photo down on the pattern page).  It only took me one evening to sew it, so it was a fairly easy pattern.  Just an idea for you Smile




    I don’t have much helpful advice, but I know your pain!  I currently carry this bag.  I bought it at AAA before a trip we went on and since my previous purse was slightly bigger and causing great pain I have started to carry this all the time.  If I don’t stuff it too full, it isn’t too bad, but even this one hurts my neck and back sometimes.  

    Good luck!



    I carry a backpack type purse & love it cause the weight is even on my back!


    Can’t give you any help as to what kind of purse to carry, but have you thought about seeing a chiropractor for your back and shoulder pain?? Just a thought…

    Betty Dickerson

    I did go to a chiropractor for a while but it got to be so expensive.  He is the one though that pointed out that my purse was an issue with my pain. 

    I think I might go back to a backpack purse if I can just find one with adjustable straps, that isn’t too heavy, and that is roomy.  I don’t want to look like a college student though. 

    Thanks for any suggestions,



    I actually bought a Vera B. purse b/c of the weight issue. I got it on sale and the pattern is ok, but I admit, I prefer leather. However, I’ve had it for about 2 months and so far it has held up well.




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