books on reptiles

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  • 6boys1girl

    One of my kids would like to study reptiles more indepth. Does anyone know of any good living books that he could read during his study? I checked the bookfinder already and only found science curriculum book and field guids. Is there anything like “Birds Every Child Should Know” or “Jack’s Insects” for reptiles?

    Thanks, Rebecca


    Hm, not really. We have bunches of books on reptiles but my obsessed son doesn’t really care whether they’re living books or not, lol. There is a good OOP series called “Biography of a _________” There are several, we have King Snake, I think there is an Alligator one, and a turtle one. They are for fairly young kids. Herbert Zim did a few books on reptiles, some of those are now OOP. We have his Snakes one. The All About series has some on snakes and I think turtles. One of the better authors today writing about snakes is Chris Mattison, we have many of his including Snake and Snakes of the World. We also have “living matter” in that we have three snakes, a gecko and a box turtle. Many libraries will have quite a section on reptiles, they may not all be “living” but in our experience most people who write about snakes really like them. 🙂 Reptiles make terrific pets!


    If you’re familiar with Birds Do the Strangest Things (Leonora Hornblow; Step-up Books), there is a reptile book in the series. Out of print, though.


    Take a look at the free trial for Sylvan Dell e-books (like here – Sylvan Dell Publishing Launches Free E-Book Trial)

    They have one about a skink and several about turtles.

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