Book of Mottoes + your favorite

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  • CindyS

    First, has anyone had their children start a book of mottoes? How is it going? Then, has anyone found a blank notebook that they love? One for copywork and one for nature study…any favorites?

    Thank you!

    Jodie Apple

    We haven’t started a book of mottoes yet, but I’m anxious to! We use BareBooks for many different things: nature journal, art book, story books, any type of journaling. There are different sizes and some are lined, some are blank pages and some have both lined with blank pages. The covers are hardback and blank as well (our kids love decorating/drawing on the front to personalize it. They also have blank gameboards and puzzles. You can check it out on


    Wow! I like that site; thanks, MJ!!

    Pam H

    Great site!! Have you bought from them, mj? Can you comment on the quality of product and service?

    Thanks for sharing!



    Hi, I ordered some barebooks for the kids last christmas and we were very happy with them. They are very good quality and the service was just fine, no complaints. Not only do they make great journals, but my kids write and illustrate their own stories which is very fun, and a neat way to narrate once in a while. We have also given them as birthday gifts to other kids, along with crayons or colored pencils (very inexpensive and kids love the thought of writing their very own book!). Everyone we have given them to raves about them! We’ve also used the bare puzzles for fun art projects with groups of kids (a great birthday party activity). Have fun!

    Rachel 🙂

    Jodie Apple

    The only products we have bought are the hard back books, bare comic books and the bare puzzles, all of which are excellent quality in my opinion. My personal favorites are the hard back books; the paper quality is great–nice thick pages with wonderful binding. We bought the landscape bare book with intentions of using it for a Century Book, but since we ended up moving in the middle of the year we never got around to it–I’m pretty excited to get to it this coming year though. There is a $25 minimum purchase, but we easily met that requirement! 😀

    (Sometimes vendors have these available at homeschool conventions where there is no minimum requirement.)

    As far as the service, we had a good experience. We received our purchase within the time that they stated and in perfect condition.

    Hope that helps!


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