Book of Centuries

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  • MissusLeata

    I love history and remember thinking when I was in school that a time line would make it make more sense for me. I love knowing what different things were happening in different parts of the world at the same time. So, I was thinking of making a family Book of Centuries mostly for me. But, I notice that the Book of Centuries only goes back as far as 4000 BC. I know that the consensus seems to be that creation was between 4000 BC and about 10,000 BC but how do you deal with that on a time line? Where do you put the things that historians say happened more than 6,000 years ago if you go with 4000 BC as the beginning of time? If you put it further back, how do you deal with the timing of ancient history along with Bible history?


    Hi, when I first made my book, I put creation on the first page, then the second page was The Fall, then the third page was The Flood.  I did not date them at all.  I then proceeded on with accepted history dates from there.  It’s been many years ago, but just going from memory, I think I started the fourth page with 3500 B.c.  I’m not sure if that’s what you’re asking, but that’s an idea.  I think I might have gotten it from one of Diana Waring’s guides, but it’s been so long I just am not sure who gave me the layout idea. 


    Thank you, pslively. That’s exactly the sort of thing I was looking for.

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