Book Ideas


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  • pangit

    This year seems to be almost daily reworking the plan for my DD.  She will be 13 this weekend.  She struggles with dyslexia and probably dyscalculia.  She loves nature, painting and listening to stories.  She hates anything to do with reading, math and school. When I am done reading her the science and history/geography that I currently have, I am going to fill her “school” time with an assortment of audiobooks.  I am not looking for any specific topic.  I am not looking to fill “science” or “history/geography”.  I am looking to give her a wide variety of information, inspiration and thought.  I am looking for anything … spiritual development, character development, inspiration, literature, science/nature, history, geography, thought provoking, etc.  Once I have compiled a list, I am going to see what our library has and what I can get through interlibrary loan.  What are your suggestions for do not miss books for a 13-year old girl?


    All of the Little House series. All of the Chronicles of Narnia. Hobbit + Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Princess and the Goblin. The Secret Garden. Wind in the Willows. Around the World in 80 Days.These have been our family’s favorites.
    Do you ever use Librivox? It has lots of free, classic literature audio books. I would get on it and just browse the children’s section.


    Little Women, The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, Alice in Wonderland, Unbroken.


    Marguerite Henry’s horse books


    Amazon has a huge list of classic kindle books that are free and then the Audible component is only 99 cents. You can use it just to  listen or switch between reading and listening, or even listen and read at the same time. don’t know if you have a kindle but I think you could also use the kindle app for this. I’m thinking of trying this for my hesitant readers also. I’m not sure yet if you need an audible account to do this.



    Thank you! It nice to have some titles to start my list with. There are so many options that it is sometimes hard to know where to start.

    We have used Librivox some.  I will check there, too, for some of these titles.

    I will look into the Amazon books. I don’t have a Kindle but have the app on our ipad. So far that has worked gor ebooks.


    Tristan – who is the author of Unbroken?


    The author is Laura Hillenbrand. There is an adult book and then a young adult adaptation. We read the YA one.




    Also focus on the family did Silias Mariner and Les Meserables  which I really liked about that age or a bit older. You may want to prevent listen to the adaptation for content…it’s been a few years since I listened to them…?

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