Board Games

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  • Misty

    I like board games!  We got Headbanz for the older ones (we already have the child one and LOVE IT).  But I want to get a game for my 3-6 age range now.  I saw the game Stare Jr. and it looked good.  anyone know anything about it?  Otherwise what games do you like to play with your little ones?  


    I second this! Would love game suggestions, esp. for non-competitive games, for this age level.


    At that age we loved and still do like it the I Spy Game! We all play including dad! It is a lot harder than you think and for some reason you don’t seem to memorize the cards!


    There is also the I Spy Bingo too!

    We loved this game that teaches addition and subtraction called Sum Swamp

    We just bought this for our 8 yr old for his bday. We haven’t played it yet but it gets great reviews! Spot It!

    And they also have a Jr. Spot It

    Not a board game and wouldn’t be good for younger than 7 but we love UNO! Although, my 7yr old caught on quick so could be for a 6 yr old too!

    And we always like Chutes and Ladders at that age! Hey, sometimes my 10 and 8 yr old still plays this! LOL! Not challenging but fun anyhow! 😉

    Hulabaloo is fun!


    Love games here! Our favorites at the moment (not all board games, but all games)near that age range are:

    Perplexus Rookie

    Chinese Checkers


    Rush Hour Jr

    Roll and Play by Thinkfun

    Qwirkle – a bit above their head if you play by all the rules but we use it with just color or shape matching instead of worrying about only getting 1 of each shape in a row.

    Katrina in AK

    I second Sum Swamp, listed above, for early addition/subtraction.  Very fun.

    Another one we really enjoy is Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It! game.   A cooperative game in which everyone wins or everyone loses, holds enough interest for even parents to want to play again, requires no reading and needing to count to 4.  I don’t know how you feel about Richard Scarry, but my boys really like his books, and love recognizing characters throughout the game.




    Roll & Play is a game I had looked at.  Great for a beginner game!  Thanks I will add that one to my list.


    Froggy boogie and Chicken Cha Cha Cha and Hiss are good



    Love this! And hope to get lots of new suggestions! We play uno, even or 5 year old does pretty good with it except he WANTS to get cards:) spoons, Apples to apples Jr., and the kids are getting Qwirkle for Christmas. I also want to get Blunders. We have an old game called No Peeking that is for two players but is fun also.


    For dds 5 and 8, we play a game I found at called SnowStorm. It’s a cooperative game where we are all on the same team. I think we have another but I haven’t broken it out yet. Great for unity and to not have a clear loser.

    We also are learning backgammon, chess, checkers, and parcheesi. My 8yo loves MindBender – an oldie but goodie.


    Apples to Apples Jr


    Hi Ho Cherry Oh


    Phase 10

    KaBoodle – old FUN card game

    There’s a lot more, but I’m drawing a blank and thinking of dinner instead….

    We love the cooperative games at this age and Rainbow has a ton of them.


    I have a six year old, and some favorites in our home over the past few years have been:

    Great States, Jr.

    Sunken Treasure Adventure (Learning Resouces)



    CooCoo the Clown (balancing game)


    Jenni – I LOVE LOVE the idea of cooperative games.  I am buying 2 for Christmas (or I should say great granpa’s $ is buying two).  That’s exactly what we need is games that make us work together not fight for the top!  Thanks for letting me know if these.


    another idea to make games into team-building opportunities is to workin teams, or to keep track of everyone’s score (in games with money or score) and add it all for a fmaily total. Then the next time you play you try to beat the last family score. Yes, there will still be some competition between individuals depending on the kids, but having that overall team goal in mind can help.

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