Bible .. with History

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  • Misty

    OK>> we are ready for school to start on Monday!! Yeppie and Hurray!!

    I have a guestion though we are doing Gen through.. and will being using a bible!! LOL

    My guestion is this..I have a 10, 81/2, 61/2 and 41/2 that will be doing this will me. I have a bible that I love and it is true to our faiths wording actually I got it from the church and they give it to the 5th graders. I also have a bible that is true to our faith but geared towards teens. The 1st one is great and I understand the words and what they mean but I don’t know that my kids would and I feel they would miss out on a lot, the 2nd is VERY simular just that they used more easily understood words w/o loosing the content.

    So what have you done? Go with the more word for word and let them work through the wording (I don’t want to spend my whole 20 min stopping and explaining every word and I have 2 that would want me to do that) or use the one that is just a touch easier to understnad?

    I am really torn on this and I dont’ know why. Any advise of thoughts would be great!



    OK ladies I know you are reading this and I would really like your personal oppions on this either way. I mean I have both bibles I am just torn between which one to use.



    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Misty –

    Thanks for the gentle reminder. 🙂 My first reaction would be to go with the one that will help your children learn the best. If you know in your mommy-heart that one will cause disruptions and distractions, then go with the other one. If, however, you are curious whether they can comprehend more than you think they can, you might give the first one a try and see what happens.

    Remember that whichever one you choose, you’re not tied to it forever. You have the freedom to tweak and change as you go along. So choose the one that you like best and try it first. If it works well, stick with it. If not, switch.


    Thanks Sonya, I never thought of trying both. And I guess I was stuck on the start with it end with it thought.. Ahh a light sometimes come from others! 🙂


    Sonya Shafer

    You can thank my husband for that. He’s a great one for leaving his options open. After 24 years a little of it is starting to rub off on me . . . 😉

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