Bible Scope & Sequence

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  • Melissa

    Hi everyone!

    I’m new to the forums. I’ve been tinkering with CM for awhile and am now seriously getting busy in applying her methods to all our subjects.

    We have been using a rigid scope & sequence for Bible for 2 yrs and I’m not pleased with it anymore. Most of the CM resources I’ve read seem to suggest alternating between OT & NT throughout the week, but apart from a general reference to “cover OT and two Gospels by age 9” I can’t find much.

    I’m such a planner by nature and HAVE to know what comes next!! 🙂 Has anyone created a long-term Bible plan?? Any other suggestions would help…GREATLY!

    My children are 9 & 5.



    Melissa in IN

    Sonya Shafer

    Welcome, Melissa! How much snow have you gotten?

    You have a good question. I’ll throw in my $.02 worth.

    I know Charlotte approached Bible alternating between OT and NT (as many others still advocate today in their reading plans), but I found that confusing when I wanted to emphasize that Bible events happened just like other world history events. So here’s the 6-year plan I use:

    1. Genesis through Deuteronomy
    2. Joshua through Malachi
    3. Matthew through Acts
    4. Selected epistles
    5. Selected epistles
    6. Rest of epistles and Revelation

    With the older children, we also throw in some focused studies in addition to the above family reading . . . like this:

    1. Study of the Mosaic Law
    2. Study of Proverbs
    3. Study of Romans
    4. Various Bible study methods
    5. Doctrine study
    6. Doctrine study

    And of course, we continually do our Scripture Memory, sometimes choosing verses from our year of study and other verses based on church studies or other themes at random.

    I’m eager to hear what others do!



    Thank’s so much for posting this. I see the correlation now with your ebooks! I agree about the OT/NT hop. That w/b confusing for the little ones. This seems much simpler and surer. Big relief for me.

    Just so you know…Laying Down Rails is one of my absolute favorite hs resources! So I appreciate your efforts. I’ll look through your Bible ebooks again, too.

    One more question: We are finishing Truthquest American History this year. How important do you think it is to follow the Bible AND history timeline together?


    Melissa in IN

    PS NO snow here in the southern half. We’re expecting a puny <1″. We wanna play in it!!

    Sonya Shafer

    Thanks for your kind words, Melissa. I’m glad our resources are proving helpful to you.

    As far as the importance of following Bible and world history together, that’s just my preference. I know others like to go through world history at a quicker pace (for example, four years), so their Bible readings don’t always coincide with their history studies. It’s up to you. I think if you are careful to put Bible events in your Book of Centuries along with the other world history events, it will help the children understand that (1) Bible events actually happened in a location here on earth, and (2) they did not happen in isolation.

    PS: Snow is one thing my older girls miss down here in Georgia. The younger ones don’t remember life up north and playing in the snow for hours. The first winter we were down here, the Lord gave the girls a Christmas gift of several inches of snow. We were the only ones who had the snow pants and boots and face masks and everything to stay out there for hours. 🙂


    SNOW? We were hit with 8″ in SE Wisconsin! Alot of outside time today! 🙂

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