Bible-Reading System


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  • pangit

    Here is a link to a Bible Reading system for reading through the Bible that we have just discovered.  It looks great.  It is a group of 10 lists that you read from and when you finish a list you start it over.  I think it could be used for all ages.  For the younger kids it could be read to them and older kids can read it for themselves. There is an explanation of it at the beginning that makes more sense than I could.  Check it out: Professor Grant Horner’s Bible-Reading System


    Wow – looks interesting….

    Rebekah P

    My parents love this approach.  My dad especially found that he didn’t get as worn out reading it this way because you were constantly reading different topics.  I guess you could think of it as “short lessons.” 

    We started it last year, but I found 10 chapters a day was a lot.  However, I don’t think you have to do it that way.  You could break it down throughout the year. 

    Now you have me thinking I’d like to give this a try again.  Thanks for the reminder Wink



    Katrina in AK

    Wow! This is great. Thanks for sharing. I have been needing a little more structure in my personal reading time. Even slowed down, this will be perfect.


    Here is a slower paced 52 week Bible reading plan that my daughter loves. It is similar to the plan above in that different books of the Bible are read throughout the week. Each week day has a focus: Sunday-Epistles; Monday-The Law; Tuesday-History; Wednesday-Psalms; Thursday-Poetry; Friday-Prophecy; Saturday-Gospels.


    Pagit, That is an interesting plan and very ambitious!

    Janell, I love this plan. May I ask if your daughter also narrates these readings either written or orally? I fear that I complicated a few of our subjects this year and this could be a wonderful simple plan for us. 

    Thank you both for sharing.




    I don’t want to hijack the post, but I came across this site last week.  It has Bible reading plans for 2nd grade and up.  They start with 5 verses a day…the 4/5th grade plan has 15 verses.


    Thank you Holly S for sharing that!  That looks very doable for my kids! 

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